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Advice Request
Thomas Vibakar
Thomas Vibakar

Thomas Vibakar

Hardware Design Engineer



Thomas Vibakar is a member of:

My journey
Initially I started as an associate in Sutherland. During that period, I understood working principles, corporate policies, goals& targets, handling higher officials. Later I left and joined into Engineering field.
I yet to start my journey in the Corporate World reg my present field.Currently, working in a concern as an Hardware Design Engineer in Embedded field. still waiting for an opportunity to enter into the Corporate world to enhance my career and development.Corp plays imp role in prof career.
My rewards
Since working as an Hardware Design Engineer, I had a situation to source components for my projects. At that time I took responsibility & sourced components from standard suppliers worldwide at a economical rate profitable to organization.I felt proud that most of the projects run in a economical rate beneficial to our organization and clients due to my efforts. By this experience, I can handle material management in addition to the hardware design.
Language with embedded systems
To answer this question, I should aware of all the languages presently used in Embedded Systems. But I only know C Language which is used in Embedded in my Organization. I am not able to answer to your question practically since I am lack of knowledge about this.
Specialization area in Embedded systems
As a PCB Designer, I am currently doing 2 layer PCB in ORCAD Software. I want to strengthen my career in doing multilayer PCBs. I want to learn standards & software which are used in Corporate sectors regarding PCB design. If any websites regarding the PCB design,will be really helpful
Current work profile
My role in my organization is an Hardware Design Engineer. I have to prepare Schematics and PCB layouts for various Embedded Based projects. I also play a major role in integrated Testing of Home Automation Products. Since I am working in Hardware side, I want to enhance my career in PCB Board Design
Choosing between money and job satisfaction
I need money which is suitable for my professional work and help me to lead a better life which fulfill my basic needs.Working without Job Satisfaction feels like a slave working to a Master.Job Satisfaction is really imp for both Employer and Employee. Job Satisfaction is very imp to any employee in any field. If a person has given a job which suits his/her profile in which he/she gets both technical as well as financial growth at regular intervals at the right time, he/she will be the most job satisfied person. This will be applicable to any industry. So both Job Satisfaction & Money are equally imp.
Couple of year from now
Currently I am in a developing stage in my career.Exposure to new technologies & trainings in corporate world can change anyone at anytime.If I will get a chance to enter into the corporate world,I can definitely be a Team Lead or a Team Manager after 3 years in PCB design Field.
My advice
Since I yet to learn a lot to become a perfect Professional, I can't advice for upcoming Professionals. And also,I have to experience a lot about stressful workforce today. So practically not possible to give advice for Professionals Entering the Workforce Today.
My Important role
A situation came in which I have to go to site to solve an hardware issue regarding an automation product.I went and undergone troubleshooting steps and solve the issue.Many customers standing around and asked many questions continuously. I answered them and solved issue,explain the isue hapnd 2 dem
Degree recommended
Actually I have to undergo Certification Programmes in future to enrich my career 881984 knowledge. Then I can prefer it to others.
Role model
My Colleague named Mrs.Padmini who worked with me earlier is my role model who inspires me always.She worked in an Govt sector & done many research programmes.I had a chance to work with her in my firm.Eventhough from a big concern,she is friendly&teach us many things related to project.
Future of embedded systems
As of my knowledge,Embedded Systems will have very good future. In future usage of Electronic Products will be increased. Definitely there will be lot of job opportunities for Embedded systems in future.
My family background
I am from a normal middle class family. My father worked as an Production Officer in an chemical Plant. Now he is retired. My mother is a home maker. I am the only son to my parents. Looking for a better opportunity to improve my family's economic level.
My prospective on India technological development
Dis Becos of our Education System.What we are studying now is not relevant to the practical work.Also, nowadays,people's mentality is to study is for a Job. People preferring only a specific field and going there.Other fields are lacking tech people. Encouraging practical work from school can improv
My recommendation
Actually I should know first Books, Websites and Publications which are relevant to my career. Then only I can suggest to Upcoming Professionals in my Industry. I suggest technical Forum websites such as Edaboard.Com, Allabout Circuits Forum, Home Made Circuit designs for you, etc. for Upcoming Prof
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