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Thol P

Thol P

Growing Leader

Retail - CDIT

Excellence in Management
Opened 2 retail stores, 1 in UAE and 1 in Bahrain. Highest rated operations manager
Leadership qualities
A leader should be able to link the individual team member's goal and his organizational goal. Incase the goals cannot be aligned, he needs clarity about the same. If the team takes up charge of the task like they own it, mere guidance and mentoring would do. The leader can achieve what he wants. A leader is a human being creating benefits for the organization of his scope, with integrity.
Awards and Recognitions
Highest rated operations manager for the last 2 years
Influenced by
Jack Welch.X-CEO of GE. He could take bold decisions, to make such a big company GE, come back. He could create an informal environment, to make his employees feel at home.
Current Job description
I am a passionate retailer, helping my customers buy, and service them, and retain them. In the process I keep my team happy, create profits and bring new customers to buy from us.
Family background
I am married. We have been blessed with our daughter. She is an angel.
My advice
Be integrated. Dare to try new ideas. Have the persuasive skills. Home work is more important than it was then in the school. Think about your subordinate, teammate, and their benefits before a proposal. Serve customers from heart and with passion. Have passion as motivator, and fright as the last resort. Dont change this order as it might only work short term.
Handling Grievances
As I would do to a close relative. I would empathize. Check if we have a solution. Check root cause. Plug it. Solve it in the quickest span. Make him/her feel secured and comfortable. Learn from what had happened. Put a process to avoid that in future.
Tech Management matters more on
To have a sense of where technology is heading. To be interested and have curiosity like a customer buying his first Gadget. Do required home work to keep up with the pace. Manage resources to create maximum profit.
My views on India Technical development
We have young Indians with lot of passion and ideas. There are 2 kinds of them. The first kind, curb their passion to excel in a field and start working in another field in which opportunity is available. Make money, get married, live and may be complain or don't complain about life. The second kind are the ones go abroad where their talents can be groomed and shine. Either way, India lost these talents. It is surprising to know majority of the IITians have US as the destiny to learn and earn more.

Ok. What can be the solution.
1) Industrial institute collaboration has to grow. The students in their final year to be assessed for economically scalable projects and to be funded. Students to be entertained to experience the full cycle of invention, scaling up, selling and improving (R881984D)and establishing.

2)Product invention is not only a technical problem, but also faces political roadblock with un-meaningful paperwork and corrupt system. Startups be shielded by associations.
Managing personal and professional life
Have clear goals, both personal and professional. Knowing the priority. I try to be sincere to avoid mistakes. But I also think making mistake is not a mistake, but not learning from a mistake is.
Ensuring Growth
Learn and be curious. Think of solutions creating welfare at a larger level, than at an individual level. Always seeing the bigger picture from whatever level I am currently. Ready to work hard and smart.
More about me
Team Management
Open and friendly. It is not a fashion anymore, it will be todays requirement as teammates are living on 'facebook'. They may not understand formality and hierarchy of earlier corporate culture. But they can be agile and bring in results at a much better pace.

Team interactions to be pivoted on an agenda and anchored by a open leader. All teams participating to be recognized as a value contributor. No opinion or team to be considered silly.

All members of teams and teams should be made to feel that they are doing worthwhile.
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