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Advice Request
Tanmoy Sen Gupta
Tanmoy Sen Gupta

Tanmoy Sen Gupta

Owner Tan Solutions

Tan Solutions


Tanmoy Sen Gupta is a member of:

My strongest skill
M.C.A. (Masters Of Computer Application) and Editor of more than one websites.
My family background
My father works in Armed Force Triabunal and my mom is a housewife.
Brief description about me
This is Tanmoy Sen Gupta, Software Professional (MCA passout) currently pursuing MBA in Finance. I am very much tech savvy person and always keen to get knowledge on various sectors. Have deep knowledge and interest in politics. I love my country and always feel happy whenever our country makes any marks both in domestic and international zone.
Important lesson learned
Opportunity comes and goes out only you are the judge of the present situation and your own decisions whether you must take it or wait. May be you will get nothing or may be something special is waiting to be exposed by your very own unique ability.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Most importantly self-confidence. Be honest in your work. Always try to be motivated by anything in front of you. Handle team and network with both politeness and strictness depending upon the situation. Have some specific goals targets and ambitions. Whenever you are growing in good speed, you must also keep yourself prepared for the worst.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
Its good and organized but I think marks systems must be changed. How can any student achieve 98% 99% 93% 94% so easily? This is funny according to me. Also the examination systems must be under scrutiny. CCD camera must be implemented and it can be rechecked anytime after the examination, it will minimize any unethical activities by students and also by some teachers and/or professors.
My role model
Mr. Narendra Modi,a perfect powerful leader, have sense about the current situation and acts according the requirements of the common people. Grabs technology very quickly for the sake of his network (which is common people). At least he is not coward like max of the leaders who thinks. we, the common people are actually damn idiot, think nothing but obey and digest their evergreen lucrative terms like 'Secular' or 'Reservations'. He has some missions and he will achieve it I know that.
In my view, if he will be the PM of India and have no problems regarding the typical Regional parties support, then we will be in a different country which cannot be visualized right now because we, the common people, have been treated very poorly till date.
Couple of years from now
Well established and respected person with decent network.
Ensuring success
I am good or expert about doing anything in various sectors so that if I fail on anyone, I may still have something to celebrate.
Important decision
Sitting for JECA (Qualifying exam to study M.C.A.).
Degree that I recommend
Yes, I am currently pursuing my M.B.A. on Finance as I have Economics background in my graduation. Also I still have a dream to study PHD in Computer Science in future.
Influenced by
Support of my Parents both mentally and financially.
Initiative to develop a country
Just give your best what you are capable of. Also please stop hating politics and give off attitude. Its because of the give off attitude of the educated people, maximum political leaders play their cards upon poor uneducated people. Better shout for what are wrong and be united. Never get demoralized and feared.
More about myself
Many things but publicly we cannot say or write as much as we feel. Because our systems will not back us in tough situations. We must act smartly instead of carried on with the emotions. Unitedly and slowly the situation will change I am sure. So better wait for that day to come.
My achievements
My M.C.A degree and all the works I have done till date except some. I am proud of my personal life also. Always tried to do honestly although may be I could not do it perfectly, still I know I tried my best.
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