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Advice Request
Surender P
Surender P

Surender P


Reliance Trends


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Contribution to the field
presently i'm working is in MAX Fashion India Under Land Mark Group. i like many things in My Company it all ways follows SOP. the Company Moto is To satisfy the customers Those who are walk in to the store. the management teach many things regarding the customers service as well as employee Growth
Importance of STP
based on the customer preference the product will be segmented like Basic Product And Non seasonal Product the Basic Product Will be available In 365 days, Non Basic Product Is seasonal vise. it depends up on the in com of the people. because every customer may not By all The product.
Now a days Marketing is playing a very imp role in the Market, because Every compy need to market their product which they are producing whit out market there is no mean of the product every company depends o market communication for the updates.
Role in an organization
my role in my org i'm working as Team Leader, i have to maintain my staff like shift timings, inventory management people communication sale generation i have to maintain the Mis Report and submitting to the sm And Asm. Controlling the shrinkage.
Importance of 4ps
the mean By 4ps is product,Price, place and Promotion. these 4 are imp For the org because if place is not there how the compay produce the product as well as, if product is there we have to fix the price so the 4ps are very imp for any companies to market the product.
it defends up on the company product as we as promotions what they have ( Company)
books like Marketing manage of Philip Kotler, magazines like Retail Images, image busines Fashion, and there are Many web sites are there to get the Market Informational like fx, siliconindia is also good information Regarding market as well as general Knowledge
What can be achieved
as per my knowledge there is no limit for the marketing person because the marketing guys they can do any thing to satisfy the customers
Future trend
fashion designing
Growth Prospect in marketing
there are many reasons to success every marketing persons is striving to get high customer satisfaction And Income
Importance of On line marketing
comparing to last 10 year now days people are became busy they don't have the time to spent even withe their families they don't want to wait for a longer time for small things. because of that the people are depending on the online.for ex every person is wiling 2 pay by credit card when they shop.
as a marketing person the work which we are going to do that should be perfect we have to trust our self first then only.
Importance of sales
As a sales person in org. i give the imp for the sales because the company is paying something to me.if i'm not showing any performance regarding sales there is no meaning for what am i getting, every compy haqving some goals to achieve and the growth of the org .
if any product is there in a org, first of all we have to believe our product then only we can sales product. the brand image will comes by public because of the Quality of the Product.
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