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Sivaram Nayak
Sivaram Nayak

Sivaram Nayak



Favorite subject
Yes,this is 'C'. Also It is my favorite subject because i really enjoy this subject. This is where you can implement your ideas in a different manner to achieve the same goal also, I think this what, that exercizes your brain the most. Its just like an analytical game.

One thing i want to put it here that, this is the only Programming Language which is the mother of All Modern Languages, without this You just can't think about computing.
View s for better India
A Nation's Development and progress Depends on its youth Masses. It depends upon how you are using their power, their skill and their intellect.

If I come to a single point, it is the Quality of education which is the base to build a Developed India. It is not just academic-education, but education of moral-values, family values, cultural-value and mainly the value-of-humanity. Duty can be anything but aim should be 'service to People,service to country'. Then it will take few steps more what we want to see our country should be.
My uniqueness
About me...yes one thing that I am Very Perfectionist though it takes a little bit more time but the thing you are doing should be perfect, proper and in time. That's why if some wrong happens, I just get irritated but i can't tolerate a blunder if situation is correct.

Another thing is that I am very open minded with less talks. I dislike using cajolery words but a soft, sweet and few words.
Most proud accomplishment
Yes I was much more proud when I received Certificate and a Facilitation award from Shri M.M Rajendran, former Governer of Odisha in the year of 1999(the year that saw the Super Cyclone). Then I was 8th Standard when appeared for the examination conducted throughout Odisha and I was among top 7. All the student of Three classes(8th,9th,10th)were eligible. I received that prize when i was 9th standard.
Spare time activities
When I get free I like to read any kind of good book, whether it be a literature, spiritual, stories or novels. if somebody gives me company I like to go outside for a move.

About activity.....till now I've n't joined to any activity but i would like to join if it relates to the cause of People.
Most flourishing college experience
yes it was when I did Top in my Class(10+2+3), In Ravenshaw College.
First Job Expectation
Depth of knowledge in Particular field, Good Analytical and Reasonable Qualities and Patience.
Time Management
It depends. If you are a student or in Professional life priority should be your study or study related but you have to manage all the things equally.
Family Background
I am from a lower-middle class family.We are a Five member Family. My Father is a Teacher, mother housewife, me and my two sister(one Married and other studying).
Favorite Books and Articles
I often like to read Swami Vivekananda's Books. Last time it was the same. The title was "The Complete Book Of Yoga". It learnt how to keep a proper coordination in all aspects of your life.
Challenges facing by students
There are various challenges students often face, academically I can say the Quality of study(Except few Educational Institutions). After study to cop with the Changing World, because, what we learnt in our academic period has a little to do with the Real world.
Additional information
Yes, one thing I want to share here is that, in Professional life one should be +ve towards their job not like 'i am doing because of this or because of this. Interest and commitment counts.
About Myself
Till now what I have answered, you might have came to known a bit about me. Now I am a Pass-out student of MCA and currently looking for a suitable job.
Career Expectations
Study will go on parallel manner with Job.
Most influenced factor
Swami Vivekananda. His words and Sayings have a high amplitude of influence on me.
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