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Advice Request
Sumeet Narang
Sumeet Narang

Sumeet Narang

Team Lead-Digital Marketing

BricTech Software


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Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
I am from the Orange City in the heart of India; Nagpur.

My father is a businessman while my mother is a quintessential homemaker. My elder brother is also an entrepreneur in the real estate sector.
Working Life Management:
Maintaining Work Life balance is no rocket science. Its always about prioritizing things, so that I can follow my dreams and still find time for my loved ones.
Required Reading:
Reading management books, magazines and online articles is a must for professional growth. My personal favorites are:

1. What your CEO really wants from you?
2. The Billionare's Apprentice
3. Follow Your Dream

1. Forbes India
2. Outlook India

Plans For The Future:
In a couple of years from now, I want to picture myself as a leader, a strategic planner, and a decision maker for an organization. I want to lead my team from goal to goal successfully.
Career Profile:
In my previous job profile, I was actively involved in a team that was creating brand awareness for my company. We accomplished this by delivering seminars, presentations across very institutes. We also did city research to enhance our understanding of our target audience's requirements.

In the present profile, I work as the one-man-marketing team, and handle varied operations such as managing leads, budget forecasting, SEO analytics, contributing to teh website design, social media campaigning, and finally closing a sale.
Job Profile:
I am currently working as a marketing manager for a technology based company. I handle the advertising, marketing, and selling of the corporate trainings and courseware developed in-house.
Role Model:
There are several role models for me who have inspired me in my course of life. To name a few, would be a gross injustice to others ;)
However, I also believe that self-motivation and constantly raising the bar on my own performance has also made me a success.
Prized Accomplishment(s):
I can proudly cite that I made the sales figures do a complete turnaround within months of joining at my present profile.
Growth Strategy:
There is only one mantra for continuous growth as a leader: always put the team ahead of everything.
Advice For New Professionals:
Chalk out your area of interest, enhance your hidden strengths, and never stop learning.
The Journey So Far:
Like every fresher, I had stepped in the corporate world as a zealous person who can fit anywhere.
But I am proud of the fact that within the short span of 2-3 years, I have found my niche; or rather established one. I intend to raise my bar in the future by honing the skills and abilities. It has been a tough and challenging journey but I have enjoyed it. One has to be innovative as the corporate world both demands and rewards.
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