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Srividhya Ishwar
Srividhya Ishwar

Srividhya Ishwar


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Srividhya Ishwar is a member of:

Family Background
A family of 4, my father is also my professional and spiritual mentor. My parents have had their own successful careers and lives. Both me and my brother have learnt a lot from their lives. They made us mature human beings.
Contribution to the field
I have always loved challenges and chose working from grassroots. I have been able to successfully establish pioneer products & technology , establish brands that continue to sustain in the marketplace. Moreover, am known for effective people management skills as also an ascending growth chart for the companies I have been associated with.
Challenges faced:
Yes, being a woman has its own challenges but there are advantages too! Where traits like dominance and authority don't help, traits like empathy and understanding go a long way in strengthening a team.
Achieving Success:
Being Result-oriented, excellence in one's field/ function are necessary basics. And then, the perception that achievement and gender are mutually exclusive keeps one going.
Extra Certification:
This is entirely upto the person. Depending on his/her interests one can pursue certifications. Need not necessarily mean an academic degree it could be something as simple as a course in photography! It might add a new dimension and keep one interested in life.
Maintaining Balance:
Well, it is easier said than done. However with patience and setting up of priorities, I overcome one of the major set-backs in women psychology - "guilt". It is important to me not be guilty about being unable to attend to the "other task" now. Of course the men in my life are pretty supportive.
Scaling up the ladder:
My greatest strength is that am a quick learner, either from my own experience or someone else's. Applying my knowledge each day and giving my best to all I do has enabled me deliver results. Sheer performance gave me the new challenges/roles I deserve. I keep an uncompromising attitude to quality.
Essential qualities:
Unwavering resolve to succeed, willingness to share knowledge and information, constant learning to enhance oneself and leading by example.
Personal Description:
I am an aspiring individual. Although happy about achievements, I believe there is scope for growth always. Human relations are pretty important to me. After all, business is people!
I have learnt that it is better to express than assume. It helps to verbalize thoughts than confining them to oneself.
Opinion on women leaders:
Women can prove to be inspiring leaders by playing cool in the most stressful times. Appropriate delegation, empowerment, due recognition and decentralization of power can work wonders to create a positive and cohesive work environ.
Family Background:
A family of 4, my father is also my professional and spiritual mentor. My parents have had their own successful careers and lives. Both me and my brother have learnt a lot from their lives. They made us mature human beings.
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