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Advice Request
Srikanth Rajan
Srikanth Rajan

Srikanth Rajan

Symphony Corporation


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My strongest skill
I consider my self having a descent emotional quotient which allows me to have a fair bit of understanding of people around me. I enjoy bringing people together for a common goal and the process of driving towards achieving it.

Strategic planning, communication skills, optimism, being flexible , ability to switch focus between specific details and bigger picture as and when required, problem solving,being a faceilitator are some of my strengths
Degree that I recommend
Influenced by
My mother. Years of guidance, support and never ending lessons of philosophy has allowed me to gain a perspective of life which I am very grateful for.
Couple of years from now
Taking bigger challenges, gaining/learning new management skills, trying new ventures.
My achievements
surviving the recession :), making the leap to management etc
Important lesson learned
Never give up no matter what people tell you, make your own destiny having said that it is very important to have a mentor or a guide who can help you navigate.
Initiative to develop a country
Improve marketing/ presentation skills. Raise moral, ethical and professional standards by doing the right thing. Value individual contributions and treat everyone from a rick shaw puller to a rich business man with compassion
Brief description about me
Hail from hyderabad, India. Completed schooling from hyd, gradutation in Engineering from a small town 100kms away from blore. Came to United States about 7 years ago for masters in Technology Mangement, tried several IT jobs and finally landed into project management.It took a good couple or three years and several initiatives to make the transition.Currently enjoying challenges and busy learning management tricks and looking forward for more to come my way.

Besides career, i enjoy music, playing sports like cricket, tennins, ping pong, volley ball, pool and indoor games like poker, chess.
Active member of Project Mangement Insitute's Cedar Rapids chapter. Have a business development mindset and looking to have something of my own eventually.I never shy away from trying something new and always up for a challenge and an adeventure junkie.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
Regulate education bodies with curriculum that is more relevant and practical to today's world. It is high time to get rid of rat race competition, stop ranking system which destroys talent and promote healthy competition.Identify kid's interests, areas of improvement at an early stage and practical measures to improve.Above all educate parents and spread awareness of relevance of education in today's world.
My family background
Mother a retired bank employee. Father passed away at a very young age, elder sister and a cute & bright neice.
My role model
all successful entrepreneurs because they battled against all odds and came out with flying colors
Important decision
To quit job in india and go for masters, it obviously allowed me to grow
Ensuring success
always keeping my ears and eyes opened, learning and trying new things
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
commitment, trust, honesty and a vision
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