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Advice Request
Somnath Mishra
Somnath Mishra

Somnath Mishra



Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Patience, perseverance, ability to judge which kind of peg fits which hole,lead by example when needed,most importantly ability to keep morale of the team strong when the going gets tough.
Brief description about me
I am Somnath Mishra. Currently working as a Telecom Engineer in the Govt sector. Though not an active member I have been with Silicon India for quite a long time.
Couple of years from now
At a level higher than the current after achieving the targets I have set for now.
My family background
Parents and two siblings
My strongest skill
My job involves maintaining telecom infrastructure over quite a big geographical area which means managing movement of men and materials,observing maintenance jobs at multiple locations simultaneously apart from technical skills.
My role model
Subhash Chandra Bose, as he had all attributes expected of a leader, mentioned in answer to a previous question, and the ones we find utterly lacking today.
Important decision
Choosing my career.
Initiative to develop a country
First and foremost giving the best expected of their profession, not shying away when the moment arrives to choosing the leaders to lead this country and while doing so making decisions after due analysis, paying taxes honestly before commenting on quality of the road, obeying the laws of the land
Degree that I recommend
NA in my stream, just a plain technical degree.
Ensuring success
Taking life as it comes and finding room for growth in midst of adverse situations.
Important lesson learned
I have mentioned in answer to the previous question.
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