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Solomon Suresh
Solomon Suresh

Solomon Suresh



Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Success is one of those terms which are utterly misinterpreted. Success is nothing more than a state of mind. And I have reasons to believe that every one of us is a leader in one’s own right. We all have demonstrated such ephemeral flashes of successful leadership at some defining moment in our life. All the supposedly essential qualities of a successful leader are part of our psyche but unfortunately many of these qualities are predominantly dormant most of the time. So all that is required is already there, be it integrity, influencing skills, perseverance, tenacity, humility, resolve, will, empathy and the like. But there is one overarching attribute of leadership which towers above all in my opinion. And that is known as self-accountability. How hard do you play when no one is watching? That defines you as a leader.
Important decision
It was one momentous decision that markedly defined and moulded my identity, the decision to go for higher studies in Psychology especially after securing a degree in Chemistry. It still helps me immensely in not just rediscovering myself but recreating myself time and again and in understanding people and human dynamics a tad better than several others. PhD in IIT Madras was a logical decision which opened and still continues to open a world of opportunities. Choosing HR as a profession has also stood me in good stead in terms of facilitating a fairly rapid ascent to the top. Working with exemplary leaders in these blue chip companies provided me with the opportunity to hone critical skills, acquire abundant knowledge, cultivate a winning attitude and develop executive aptitude. Perhaps the most daring and radical decisions that I have ever taken was the one to reboot my career and become an entrepreneur.
My achievements
It is not just humility that compels me to aver that I am yet to achieve anything of substance. Even rationally speaking it would be inane to say that getting a decent education and a decent job and a decent status in society is an achievement. And that is exactly what I have “achieved” till date if you will. However, I am indeed proud of certain qualities that I have inherited, imbibed and nurtured. Resiliency, positivity, tenacity and prudence are amongst the most defining traits that personify me. The very traits that led me to Resurge, the company that I founded. Resurge is a maverick learning and development solutions company designed to unleash the unfathomable potential of aspiring leaders in order to enable them to become masters of their destiny.
My role model
I have admired, adored and venerated countless people for some of their astounding demeanour at various points of time. I still do so. Each of these legends inspires me for one thing or the other. But I have found awe inspiring role models in nature. In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins, not through strength but by perseverance, to quote Jackson. The stream then is the ideal role model for perseverance. Seasons are superb role models for dependability. Time marches on and is the unassailable role model for steadfastness of purpose. You only have to be mindful in order to identify these perfect role models in every facet of nature.
Degree that I recommend
Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Professor of Business at Harvard Business School, stated that the senior HR executive need not even be a professional or a specialist in HR. Just a savvy leader who knows how to connect people and strategy. And that says it all. Degrees and certifications do help but it takes more than those artefacts to make a profound impact in HR. Fundamental knowledge of the business and of behavioural sciences is an added advantage inasmuch as it is “people work.“
Couple of years from now
The next two years will be a defining phase for Resurge and for me as its founder. I envisage myself emerging as a more mature, level headed, forward thinking, intrepid, unconventional dreamer successfully steering Resurge ahead in this entrepreneurial ecosystem which is especially treacherous for start-ups. Resurge will in all probability be on the verge of leap frogging into the next orbit – from the entrepreneurial stage to the elaboration and growth phase while continuing to create exceptional value to the stakeholders concerned.
Initiative to develop a country
One of my favourite quotes from Robin Sharma is that each one of us has a duty to shine. Each one of us, professionals or novices, is unique and has the incredible capacity to make unique contributions in some inimitable manner. I see much value in individuals identifying their passion early and chasing their dreams, never giving up but giving it all that they have, over and over again till the rewards (whatever that means to that individual) become inevitable. Not giving expression to our distinctive gifts, not believing in the beauty of our dreams and not making some positive impact on the world is perhaps the most insidious of human tragedies. To our own ability we have to do justice. When a billion people start believing in themselves, start aiming high and start opening their mind, India will lead the world.
Ensuring success
It is a very simple yet infinitely profound reality that incremental improvements form the wellspring of eternal bliss. Continuous growth and development is then a religion. And I religiously follow the principle that I ought to get better by the day. I have set specific and challenging goals for myself in areas pertaining to my career, personal mastery, intellectual stimulation, wealth creation and health & fitness. I have taken it on myself that I have to make a mark, make my presence felt and leave a legacy. That very attitude eggs me on to accomplish the formidable goals that ensure my continued and consistent growth and development in life.
Important lesson learned
Of all the precious lessons that I have learnt and am continuing to learn, this one enunciated by Somerset Maugham stands out…“It’s a very funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it.“ I have relinquished apparently valuable options simply because I didn’t believe that they were the best. And promptly I worked my way up to seize substantially superior options. The value of time is another invaluable lesson. And that life is synonymous with time. But the best lesson that I have learnt is that life is incredibly beautiful, only if you are willing to behold it in an unbiased fashion.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
The education sector in India is a hot and happening space. There is increased awareness about the myriad issues associated with quality education. The sector has been attracting a lot of private players including large MNCs. Even Ivy League foreign universities are vying to leverage the lucrative business opportunity that the sector promises. However, primary education and industry specific instruction at higher levels is the key to renaissance. We, at Resurge adopt a unique and comprehensive approach in up-skilling and up-grading raw talent to bridge the chasm between ability and opportunity. Resurge trains ambitious students in schools and colleges and also coaches human capital in the corporate sector. Resurge’s compelling, customized and career enriching programs on employability skills and life skills have been meticulously crafted to make the students industry ready and empower them to carve a niche for themselves in their profession.
Brief description about me
From a fervent researcher to a corporate slave to a resurgent entrepreneur, I am a bit of an intricate work in progress! It took me a little longer than usual to decipher my calling in life. And since then the path that I have been treading has become more exacting yet even more enthralling. The gruelling schedule in IIT Madras as a doctoral student pursuing research in organizational behaviour equipped me for the enervating 70 hour work week punctuated with moments of adulation, adversity, aplomb, anguish and amity in the corporate citadel which blurred the boundary between work and personal life. There were all the trappings of traditional success – titillating title, global responsibilities, respectable remuneration and brand to brag coupled with the veritable vast void that I was not heeding to my calling, that I was not rewriting my destiny. And thus I became unreasonable, jumped off the cliff and started building my wings as I hurtled down, taking the entrepreneurial surge.
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