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Advice Request
Smruti Mohanty
Smruti Mohanty

Smruti Mohanty


AB Realtech


Smruti Mohanty is a member of:

Time Management
Paid work first! If there is a client waiting for a report or a letter, this takes priority over any other task I have waiting for me.
Most proud accomplishment
once it's over, i don't feel the achievement anymore. so i look for a new goal
Favorite Books and Articles
"The Two states" it has given me a positive impact like patient
Spare time activities
books, outing
Favorite subject
Every Subject Has its own importance
Most influenced factor
My Father Who teaches me that every stage is a learning process
My uniqueness
Additional information
"I sometimes have difficulty choosing between two equally good ideas." or "I used to have difficulty saying 'no' to people until I learned to better set priorities."
View s for better India
There is a common saying that "you learn something new everyday." This definitely holds true for volunteering. With each new experience, old skills are developed as new ones are learned.New information is integrated with past experience, and one's knowledge base grows. Additionally, the lessons learned from volunteering frequently support and enrich understandings of how the community is set up to function. Furthermore, when students reflect upon and share their experiences, they experience great cognitive gains.
About Myself
I am Smruti Shikta Mohanty from Bhubannswar. I am a MBA Graduate with 4 yr Experience in Operation Field
Challenges facing by students
Peer pressure. But I don't think that has changed, I think that's always been one of the biggest problems. Peer pressure causes so many other things - bullying, low self confidence/self esteem, smoking, drinking, etc.

If I was Queen for a day, I would wave my magic wand and wire every child/teenager's brain to not care what other kids think about them.
First Job Expectation
With Manager: How employees and their managers get along is one of the strongest employee retention drivers. Ask your prospective manager during the interview process how she makes decisions and how she evaluates talent or superior performance. Can you work with the answers she gives?
Work/Life Balance
Location/Commute: Be honest with yourself in deciding how far and how much time you are willing to devote to your daily commute. Will it impede your ability to do things that are important to you, your significant other or children? Consider people important to you in making your decision, because home stress can make you less effective at work.
Financial Considerations
Base Pay: Are you being offered a salary commensurate with your worth in the marketplace? Make sure it is enough to warrant leaving your current job/company.
Most flourishing college experience
My most rewarding college experience occurred even before I arrived on campus as a fresher. Two Days prior to orientation day, the college offered an "outward bound" program that first year students could participate in. During those two Days, I overcame fears, made life long friends, and gained the self-confidence I needed to start my college journey
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