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Advice Request
Shrikant Pandey
Shrikant Pandey

Shrikant Pandey

Manager Sales & Marketing

Media Company in Bangalore

Blogs (1)

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Important lesson learned
I have learned many lessons from my life and still learning. One of Important lesson is that, Never tell a lie & be open to ask questions if you have any doubt.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Any person can be a good leader, because the leader is the person who make himself as a Idle, so the other person can see him and try to make like the leader.

As per knowledge the essential qualities to become a leader are:

1. Confidence in any thing he do.
2. Ability to take initiative.
3. Good Knowledge.
4. Ability to convey the right message in a very effective manner.
5. Time Management
6. People Management
My achievements
@ The age of 19 I have started my Coaching Institute for Physics & Mathematics, and got more then 50 students in the short period of 2 months.

@ The age of 20 I have done one Cultural Program (Kavi Sammelan)where in I invited 2 MLA 8 Gram Pradhans, 1 Dharam Guru, more then 20 senior members of the different associations from Jhansi & got the crowd of more then 500 peoples .

@ The age of 22 I have won the 1st Prize in the Laughter Challenge organized in Bangalore in IBSM fest 2007.
Degree that I recommend
My Management Knowledge helped me in getting many mile stones in My Career. It helps me to make myself to stand myself from the crowd.
Brief description about me
My Name is Shrikant Pandey, working as a Professional in a Media Company, I have done my Post Graduation in Management from Bangalore Karnataka India, with the specialization in Marketing and Human Resource. I did my graduation from Bundelkhand University Jhansi Uttar Pradesh India with the Specialization in Physics & Mathematics.
Influenced by
I am mostly Influenced from my father a Really Hard working Person, he don`t mind if he is working for more then 15 hours a day. The Confidence, a commitment towards his work. Really makes me to drive my potential towards my success.
Ensuring success
I am working hard towards my goal & setting new goals to grow more and more. I always try to get knowledge about the project what I need to do and see the similar projects which has been done in past. I always make good friends & try to learn good things and get networking with good people to explore myself. I always make a good relation with my friends, colleagues, clients & the other individuals who are directly or indirectly connected with me. I read books regularly to get my knowledge updated as well as I always read interviews of people who are the top players in my profession.
Couple of years from now
I want to my self as a person having the good knowledge, of the work I am doing. Expert in the things which I have done. I want my self to be very Social, humble and very useful to others.
My role model
My Father is my Role model for me, he is the person who always smile and work hard towards what he assigned himself. The way of working of my father always Inspire me to do something different from the track. He is very Social, very Hard Working, very Informative, good Stage Performer, carrying good & useful knowledge, ready to help poor & with good physical fitness.
Important decision
I thing 2 Decisions which I made was very good.

First Decision:
I my child hood I used to think that I want to start my own school & College. Definitely it was very tough to understand the things from outside, I became the teacher for 1 Year before starting my Coaching.

Second Decision:
I did my Post Graduation in Management & choose the sales as the Career, it made myself not only the good person but also the game changer.
My strongest skill
Confidence, Good Knowledge, Updated towards the Market & Stage Performer, Time Management.
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