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Advice Request
Sheela K L
Sheela K L

Sheela K L

Vice President – Global HR



Sheela K L is a member of:

- Expert
My Introduction
I hail from a third generation entrepreneurial family. Growing up in the
steel city of Visakhapatnam, I loved and cherished my childhood with
four siblings. On the professional front, I have been working for over
15 years in the corporate sector – in the areas of HR consulting,
Business-human resources and Learning &Organizational Development.I
have had good supervisors and bad – and I have been both too. I have
also had good employees and bad – and been both of those as well. I have
dealt with annoying co-workers and demanding customers. I have hired
and been hired, managed and been managed. As a result, I have a good
understanding of both employees and company concerns and can easily
relate to a lot of workplace situations.
Role I Play in My Company
Collabera is a US $440 million fast growing, end-to-end information
technology services and solutions provider working with leading Global
2000 organizations from the Financial Services, Communications, Media,
Manufacturing, Retail, Energy and Utilities domains. Collabera delivers
highly responsive and innovative solutions that help clients align their
IT strategy with their business goals to address the most important IT
needs through a combination of consulting solutions, proprietary
methodologies, assets based services and Collaborative Engagement Model.
I lead the all-encompassing Human Resources function at Collabera.
Making the Right Career Move During the Journey
I haven’t allowed myself to get involved in a routineto the point that I
experienced a burn out. Ive always been the type of person who thrives
on new assignments, so that I stay motivated and interested. Four jobs
in fifteen years has been a window to the corporate worldand more
importantly,understanding people at their work and heralding their
My Personal Leadership Vision.
“To every man there comes a time in his lifetime, that special moment
when he is figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered that special
chance to do a very special thing, unique to him and fitted to his
talents. What a tragedy if that moment finds him unprepared or
unqualified to do the work which could have been his finest hour.” -
Winston Churchill
To support and prepare people for their finest hour
is how I envision my role as a leader. Take river Ganges for instance –
itkeeps flowing, opening new paths, cleansing, healing,
connecting, never runs dry. To my mind, this is the kind
of infectious strength a leader should possess; this is more than mere
positional power.
The Challenges Faced Being a Woman
I sometimes had difficulty choosing between two equally good ideas
–thechoice to get married and have a family or chase the dreams to live
on myterms while remaining single,either live in India or make a living
in a foreign land.
These challenges were my moments of truth, steering me to be clear and stay focused all through.
parents always a feeling in methat their girls could do anything they
wanted to do, as long as they didn’t catch a cold or a cough!
My guiding principle is:
grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to
change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference." -
Reinhold Niebuhr.
Ways to Maintain a Healthy Work-life Balance
My philosophy on work life balance is simple. When one enjoys the work,
the issue of work life balance has minimum relevance.In some scenarios
when work may not be where one’s "calling" is, then there is a need to
create a work-life balance that lets one pursue their "true self" more
outside the confines of the workplace, even if this means less hours and
less income. And less income means facing the resources to give them
that freedom through better planning, and  acceptance of a simple and
frugal way of living. It is all possible, especially if its in the
pursuit of finding and sustaining one’s true sense of self.
person needs time out, whether anintrovert or extrovert, single or
committed, young or old. Solitude is time for rejuvenation and
self-talks, for peace and for realizing that purposeful "aloneness" is
not a bad place to be, but rather, a liberating part of your life.
Ways of Doing Things Differently if Given a Chance to Start from Scratch
Measure my progress and adjust the career plan accordingly. My motto in
life is to be Flexible!The plan is a living document – it will change as
I learn more about a new career, my circumstances change, and I need to
make new decisions along the way;making sure I am on top of how any
decision will affect the whole plan – the budget, the time line and the
final objective.
Golden rule I believe in: Look back with pride, look forward with enthusiasm.
“Women leaders are a driving force for powering business” Explain
One hour of practice beats a day of theory. The learning is,to get ready
for the dead ends and not get fluttered with small glitches. A lot of
it in life is trial and error. More often than not, when one hits a bump
in the road, and sometimes falls flat on one’s face, be prepared to
understand and accept that this is a part of the process, and commit to
getting right back up and starting over.
Its not going to be easy –
it never has been for anybody – but if one learns to see that as a
chance to prove how much one wants to discoverhimself or herself, then
we will find fulfillment and security in the pursuit. When you are
yourself, everyone will respect you more. Best of all, you will always
feel good about yourself and this will reflect onto others, making them
feel even more certain about your sense of self.
Couple of Years from Now
I thoroughly enjoy developing new avenues and methodologies for
employees’ career development, especially in the areas of leadership
development. On the vocation, I would love to spend time with
professional colleges in tier II cities and help them bridge the skills
gap from college to corporate.
Career Accomplishment that I am proud of
Quite early in my career, I have had chance to hire candidates from
outside the organization, recruiting someone within the organization to
join my group, spotting a talented person who was a couple of levels
down within my team and then placing people into positions that motivate
them, allowing them to function at their natural best, to be freed up
to produce well and collaborate positively. It is most fulfilling for me
to know that they are all doing fine in their personal and professional
I learnt to move on quickly from my past accomplishments, because new mountains are always more interesting to climb.
Advice/ suggestions
Design a career change journey that will allow you to change your destination.
have an idea in your head about the career and retirement you want. It
may not be perfectly focused to begin with.. Hindsight is 20/20 vision,
but foresight is not! So plan your transition in such a way that you
have a bit of flexibility and stay relevant at the same time.
Ask yourself every question in the book. Ask yourself the questions that are difficult.
do I want to look back on in my life and say that I never regretted?"
Would you regret never having traveled abroad? Would you regret never
having asked that person out, even if it meant risking rejection? Would
you regret having married? Would you regret not investing in a
relationship? Would you regret not spending enough time for yourself
when you could? Would you regret your child’sabysmal performance at
school? Answering them will help –the earlier the better.
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