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Advice Request
Shama Meerja
Shama Meerja

Shama Meerja

Application Programmer/Analyst

Wells Fargo India Solutions


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Qualities require to be successful
Analyst .. I can say its all there in name.The only thing differentiate the work role in IT is the thought process. A tester doesn't think in the way of a developer ,she just test it ,if output doesn't match,she will report it but fixing is not her headache .Analysis is the major thing in any Analyst's life. Pre-analysis is good for proactive work and post is good for reactive .Being Proactive and Reactive is good for any Analyst .They have to be very keen on the data they collect ,As that is base for them to take important if you are working with real time systems ,Analyst is the heart of it.
My achievements
My parents are proud of me and My husband,Aunt,Uncle are proud of me along with other family members with success in my life.In school my teachers used to think if shama goes to any competition we will get prize for sure.(i was not good at sports ,I can play indoor games).I topped in town - 10th standard exams, Later i got state level ranks in Polytechnic(Diploma entrance) and EAMCET exams in AP.I got a seat in BITS through BITSAT .I could get campus placement during peak recession (2009) in good company like Wells Fargo where the saga of rewards and recognition continues even a trip to Dubai.My parents spent their savings for my education ,So i was so happy to construct home for them in first 2 years of my career is a great achievement .Its my Mom's dream.So i felt so proud on that day seeing happiness tears in my Mom's eyes on House warming day.This may sound little funny now---One of professor in 12th scolded 120# boys session..saying shame on you ,girl is being in top 5 all time.
My advice to professionals
I don't have much experience to say that.I always feel people who are doing management courses should have exposure to real time to learn problems.Once they go to B school they will learn solutions for problems or measuring the impact.its tough to understand what is happening in low level for very big enterprise manager.However having an idea of work done in low level makes him a successful manager.
Influenced by
Hmm I feel success is a relative word. so it also depends upon from the environment we come from .In my life, its my surroundings made me to take a strong decision like ..i don't want to be just like this.My Mom always want to study .Due to their financial situation and religious community pressure,She studied till 5th standard .Where as my aunt (my Mom's sister) born in the same family struggled a lot(hunger strike) to join secondary school and she completed B.Sc (B.Ed) .I can say she was my role model and a person who supports me continuously till today .some of its credit is shared by my parents especially My Mom and Dad to support me study in India's Prestigious college Bits-Pilani,Goa .My Uncle was always supportive and always given right advises while taking any career or education related decisions.My friends were also so helpful in moulding me from village girl to professional (kind of soft-skills ).My husband is more supportive than anyone who let me work and fulfill my dream
Handling risky decision
every time when i make any decision ,i will always have backup plan(in my slang worst case scenario) ready .This helps me to execute anything confidently when it fails, iam ready with my backup plan.
Concept of Analyst
i already answered
Important decision taken
I always wanted to be a Java developer in my campus life.I was placed in a Database analyst team . So Administrating and Analyzing problem is quiet different from development.So i took this as an opportunity to enhance those skills, However i kept alive my programming skills which saved so much of bank money through automation.Perhaps i feel Automation is strongly needed in support work.So i could prove myself as an Asset to my company possessing dual skills.
Initiative taken by professionals to develop a country
Good Question !!!! Whatever they can do ,I guess they are doing it.We are the only people who are paying Proper Tax ,Conducting some social service activities like Empowering under privileged children with Education.Helping rural women with some crafts work to make them small scale enterprenuers. So if the same thing happens in wide range at least our children can India is developed Country rather developing.People should react if somebody needs help or some tragedy happens. I feel bad about people who crossed the road just by simply starring at the Girl who was wounded in Delhi Rape case 2012 until police has come.Politics is dirty,Even iam not interested in it but we as citizens of this country has responsibility and even power to change constitution rules being united.this is missing in India.That is causing more corruption here from low level leafs .This is making common people lives tough
Couple of years from now
I want to become a CEO, or CIO or CFO of small or big organisation.I like the title.Keeping my goals as a nice daughter and wife ..May be in near future good Mom.
Upcoming trends
Technology is keep growing for two reasons .Either by normal innovation or by competition.everyone wants to survive in market and make money.So you will be keep getting different versions one after the other with new features all time.Its always to good to update with upcoming technologies at least having knowledge about it exists ,helps us to search for it in google when time comes to use it.This helps you to become as an asset to Company rather just team member.Perhaps being competitive in market is always good .Demand supply works always!!!!!
Current Job Description
Iam currently working as a Senior Database analyst in Wells Fargo India Solutions ,Bangalore. I work on MSSQL Server and Powershell. As i have huge passion towards development ,I involve in major automation Projects in team
My thought on education system in India
Education system in India at times behaves like a Pressure cooker. Either Engineer or Doctor not ready to entertain anything else in south India world.Education is highly essential thing for person to shape himself as a good human being .After seeing many tragedies and incidents around ,I strongly feel Education system should include developing moral values ,cultivating humanity and gives opportunity to think different.The destination of Education is not marks or rank ,Its excelling in the area of your interest.This should be like a system to nurture innovative ideas seeds in students.
More about myself
Failures are steps to win. However don't fail every time with the same preparation . if one hit is not breaking the stone ,Hit with more energy.Never accept defeat. there may be different way to get the task done.Remember Depression is the best enemy in human's life.Over come it as life may have other opportunity better than that for you.Success or Excellence is journey not Destination!!!!
My Strongest Skill
My Attitude ,My technical skills,My Soft skills .More than any my Ethics.

These are the things which always make me part of good group .
Avoiding mistake and connecting right dots
Currently Iam not any leader or manager. I posses only 3 years working experience. If i become a leader i believe in one sentence Leader should not walk first alone ,she has to walk ahead with team. Leader need to possess double the commitment and cultivate the good commitment and ownership in team members. In my town people who knows me always bring their kids to tell them good inputs to settle in life or do well in exams .Whenever i get time i will spend time with them ,Its gives me lot of happiness .some of my juniors wish me on teachers day .It makes me feel better to become a tiny but important part of their success stories.
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