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Advice Request
Saurabh Kumar Sinha
Saurabh Kumar Sinha

Saurabh Kumar Sinha


The West Bengal Power Development Corp Ltd

Managing professional as well as personal life
Well thats quite an uphill task now that i am married and blessed with a sweet son!! I visit my home sat night and leave back for my Office site on Sunday night.During this stay at my home i try my level best to make my family happy and do as many house-related chores i am supposed to do, as possible.With God's grace i have a very understanding and strong-willed wife(other family members specially my parents being equally understanding and helpful) who manages my family well throughout the week.During the week mobile is the only way to remain connected with my family.As regards my professional life i finish my assigned tasks during office hours itself.If you work consistenly and silently without creating too much hype about problems at hand then things become easier and smoother i think.
Being different
A true engineer never looks for short-cuts to solve a problem at hand without doing proper analysis of the situation.Also in enginnering we are taught to solve the tasks at hand in the best possible manner,in the minimum possible time utilising minimum psooible resources and subject to satisfaction of maximum possible people. And in fact thats Management!!!
Family Background
My father is an Electrical engineermother an Hons graduate in economics.I have three elder sisters all now married, well-settled in their life professionally as well as on home-front.All my sisters are post graduate in Molecular bilogy,geography and mathematics respectively.In fact in our family everyone has taken different subject of study.My wife too is a Computer Engineer working at CTS Kolkata
Books recommended
Well i would recommend that beginners should go through books containgin lots of practical examples(like shaums series) and other such books because unfortunately still our education system is more theoretical and it seems difficult when one goes out to work with theoretical knowledge.Also we should read inspirational books and last but not the least books on Office mannerism which is quite lacking now-a-days!!
My strongest Skill
Well one sould not boast about himself/herself!! Usually i leave answer to this question to the people who work with me,and who know me!! Well i will only say that in my life i have changed my area of work many times depending upon the needs of the hour).Fomr being an hons graduate in physics to becoming a computer engineer.Then working as software developer,then teacher,and now in Power sector woring as IT administrator.I can adapt myself as per the situation at hand thats my strong point andam always open to new ideas.I beleive that one should always look for better but at the same time be contented with what one has with hime/her instead of being dis-satisfied
My achievement
Well with God's grace i have received accolades in every diversified area of work till now be it teaching,software development or my present job.In recent times, understanding and re-structuring a software system used at our power plant and succesfully interfacing it with oracle database in Maximo and DCS system in control room has been my achievement on technical front. That software had no documentation at all to start with and there was no one to help either and understanding its functionality was an uphill task because i was totally new to power sector.On home front well i became a father recently thats an acheivement for me!! hehe
My important career decision
Switching from technical aspect of IT(software development) to functional aspect in power sector.
Views about 'Tech product Introduction is weak among Indians'
Our education system should be a bit more related to real-life scenarios and a bit less theoretical.Also our own thinking needs to be changed that everyone has to be an engineer/doctor to be successful in life.We should aim at buiding specialists instead of making 'Jack of all master of none' type generation.
Company and job profile
I am a graduate engineer in Computer science from IETE,Hons.graduate in Physics and an OCP.Personally speaking i am a consistent,ambitious but silent worker in my area.I am presently working as Assistant Manager-IT in West Bengal Power Development Corp. Ltd,a govt of WB Enterprise and presntly posted at Bakreswar thermal Power plant.My present prifle is mostly related to IT Infrastructure Mgmt and Administration
Challenges faced in job
Well in my present job the most challenginf part was to make other people at work aware of the fact that IT is now an integral part of every sector and ca't be ignored as of seconday importance.People at my power plant earlier used to think that IT meanes nothing more that MS-Office and mouse!! Although they are so much dependant on IT they were totally unaware that even the DCS system they use in Control room of power plant is also a part of IT only!!!
Current Trends
Proper and systematic implementation of ERP systems,and full use of SCADA systems inpower sector in our country can work wonders and help in reducing power outages by giving the correct information at right time.
My advice
First try to understand the functional aspect of the sector u are going to join. Also in software development correct requirement analysis is the most crucial and important step towards making ur application a success.An yes be polite and always willing to learn from everyone!!
Making job easier
Proper planning and taking into consideration future imapact of my present work.
Goals and Ambitions
I would like to be an integral part of the core IT team to be formed at our head office at kolkata and be a successful Manager-IT in coming years.Also i am open to exploring other areas of IT system implementation especially defense sector andIT security systems.
My role model
Well not exactly my role model,but still i derive inspiration from Srinivas Sir my boss at Softech solutions Pvt ltd ,a pvt company in Kolkata from where i learnt the ABCD of programming.He never gave up till the solution was reached!!.And my family is my main source of inspiration.In life my role model is Sri Krishna.Change as per the changing scenario or else perish!!!
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