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Sankalp Kumar Nagar
Sankalp Kumar Nagar

Sankalp Kumar Nagar

Head Operations ( Hospital O & M Projects)

Hospaccx Healthcare Business Consulting Pvt. Ltd.


Sankalp Kumar Nagar is a member of:

Family Background
I belongs to a very close & Nit family of Four Members including My Father Mr. L.N. Nagar(rtd. teacher),My Mother Mrs. Sadhana(Teacher in Govt. Girls Middle School)& My Wife Dr. Swati(persuing PG in Hospital Administration)
Its much obvious Because Nothing is more challenging then to recognise the Exact Market Needs & to offer the desired Product satisfying thoseon one Hand& to attain the Brand Loylity in your target costumer's mind
In Such Situations I use to sit with tem & ask their problems & then we have a very positive discussion on How we can overcome of those or how we can avoide those In case if that are not job related & in case of the problems related to the Job I give them an practical training
Positioning the product
UI In my notion a very agressive Product Promotion & Advertising stretegy will work in pre Launch phase then Advertising stretegy will be highlighting on after sale service competence in the second phase
Importance of 4ps
PRODUCT,PRICE,PLACE&PROMOTION & IN OUR INDUSTRY i.e. service Industry we need 3additional & tht are People,Process& physical eviences & these 7 Ps are theMain artirial Supply ofthe brain of any marketing campaigning
Growth Prospect in marketing
Just once when He become Successful in Brand posiniting through implementing Sound Marketing stretegies in a very effective & effecient way.
Importance of sales
8out of 10 Because sales is the quick Revenue Generating Department of any organization & which is vital for ensuring the optimal effeciency of formulation & implemetation of other stretegies Like product innovation Distribution,Promotion Further Marketng researchesetc.etc.
Future prospect
I am Able to See My Self on the II Lvel of the Hirarchy of the Organization formulating & implementing the new stretegies for My Organization with a mission to accomplish My organizational goals & attain the vision of the same
Importance of On line marketing
of course Its very Importent & helpfull If arget Market is prepared after sound Market Segmentation & research otherwise It would be a loss of money & westege of time too.
Just one Book I prefer to read & i.e. Business world & Next just follow the gray matter of your Brain & move ahead with full enthusiasm Never afraid of getting failure& remember this hindi quote
Role in an organization
I am working as Operations Incharge of Insurance Help Desk at Bhandari Group of Hospitals_ Indore ensuring Maximum Customer satisfection levels,providing continious training to my Subordinates & couleegues of connected departments Attempting to implement new stretegies in my Organization meeting the
What can be achieved
I don't trust in limitations in marketing if the Managemnt is supporting you & trust you Thn no body can stpe you in taking your organization At the Market Leadership Position
Brief yourself
I am a very strait forward Persons I trust myself completely without hesitations. Always believes in delegation of authority & trust that I will certainely grow if My organization will grow So always attempts to give my cent % for My Organization
Aah!Nice One at the last But keeping all the theory knowledge apart & very frenkly speaking 'Marketing Includes All the efforts which Can Make your Organizationin Win-Win Position
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