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Advice Request
Sanjeev Kumar
Sanjeev Kumar

Sanjeev Kumar

Asst. Professor

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra

Most Rewarding Moment
When I saw my students working on a position(salary) which is higher than my position(salary).
My Advice
1. Never miss the class.
2. Have a look of chapter which you are going to teach before class, even if you know all about it.
3. Every after 2-3 years try a new book or paper to teach.
4. There should at least one specialized paper which only you can teach.
5. Try to do some research in your specialized area
Future of Indian Education System
The present education system must be change. Specially there should be some check points on student, faculty and administration. Students are not serious in classroom, teachers are not interested to teach and administration is interested to have some other work rather than teaching.
Way to motivate Students
At least one class(in a month)to the students, must be dedicated for their career, apart from teaching. But before giving such lecture you must be satisfied with this career.
Unique way of teaching
Just relate every chapter with the real life otherwise every subject will be a boring.
My inspiring personality
Prof. Sunder Lal, VC, Purvanchal University, Jaupur (UP)
Family Background
I belongs to a village but now my family shifted to a town. I did almost all the jobs of a farmer till class 10. After passing my 12th I leave my town for higher studies. My father was expired when I was the student of M.Phil. I complete my Ph.D. with part time teaching and tuition. My wife is also a teacher. She completed her M.Phil. and Ph.D. after marriage.
Outlook about increase students’ participation
1. They should think +ve about this nation. If you are really deserving there is certainly job for you.
2. Whatever they are studying should do with justice.
3. Read not to pass the examination but to do something new for the real world.
4. Respect parent, teachers and LAW.
5. Do at least one work for the Society, Community, System, Nation, whatever you can.
My priorities
At the University: Class (I forget about the family until & unless it is very important)
At the home: Family (I forget about the class until & unless it is very important)
Most Challenges facing by students
Till final year: Gud Marks,
In the final year: JOB
Outlook about way to raise quality education
Increase the quality of teachers and teaching methodology. Teachers dues must be given on time. Good teachers must be awarded while rest teachers should not be promoted. UGC implemented API system. It should be implemented anyhow.
Strongest Subject
Mathematics. Because I love it.
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