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Advice Request
Sandeep Kumar Seeram
Sandeep Kumar Seeram

Sandeep Kumar Seeram

Infrastructure Management


Blogs (2)
My strongest skill
I have 40+ certifications in IT, which provides a great platform for my understanding into different technologies.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
I strongly believe in "Learning". Learning is the only endless process which helps us to turn into professionals. Myself, I have career learning path where I work on the subjects and technologies I need to work on.
Influenced by
I was born in a family where we are all self made. We worked our ways in lives to achieve things. My father and brother are most I influenced from.
Brief description about me
My current role involves managing backup, recovery and storage solutions at Xerox, Bangalore. We aim to provide resilient BRS solutions for our clients in Europe and United States. The concept is to provide "Business Continuity Management" with application of technology.
I was in Information Technology for almost 6 years, worked with various companies in India and Abroad in Converged Infrastructure.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
I think there is no pre-defined education system in India or Abroad which can build tomorrows leaders. It all depends on the student and his interests.
Initiative to develop a country
India has lot of talent, although as it happens in every other field in India, our upbringing tends to teach everyone to do something to “Earn Money” and follow a routine path of growing in your life. We hardly ever imagine is this the thing I want to before accepting any job. On technical side more or less, we are producing engineers and we are missing on a thought process to actually gain knowledge and understand in depth what we are learning to make use of it for building something better. To build a tech product, one should be keen on thinking over how can you build something that will be useful and will be used by everyone. To do that, we have to come out of our mindset of “serving others” and “start creating” for ourselves.
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