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Advice Request
Sagar Mohanty
Sagar Mohanty

Sagar Mohanty

Managing Director

Nexus Technoware Solution Private Limited

Different from others
Business intelligence (BI) is a technology-driven process for analyzing data and presenting actionable information to help corporate executives, business managers and other end users make more informed business decisions. BI encompasses a variety of tools, applications and methodologies that enable organizations to collect data from internal systems and external sources, prepare it for analysis, develop and run queries against the data, and create reports, dashboards and data visualizations to make the analytical results available to corporate decision makers as well as operational workers.

The potential benefits of business intelligence programs include accelerating and improving decision making; optimizing internal business processes; increasing operational efficiency; driving new revenues; and gaining competitive advantages over business rivals. BI systems can also help companies identify market trends and spot business problems that need to be addressed.
Book and websites
Tools of BI
Business intelligence tools
Reporting and querying software: tools that extract, sort, summarize, and present selected data
OLAP: Online analytical processing
Digital dashboards
Data mining
Data warehousing
Local information systems

Open source free products
Eclipse BIRT Project

Proprietary free products
Biml - Business Intelligence Markup Language
Tableau Software
After few years
We are planning to integrate Cloud with BI in our enterprise level application. We have products like Legal & Compliance Management System, CRM & Other web based application but this year we will focus to migrate our application to SAS base. Also we are planning to develop e-commerce platform with SAS concept.
New trend
Basically we are focusing on Microsoft Technology & Oracle. Maximum of our application we develop with Microsoft Technology. Yes our planning is to provide SAS solution to our customer & we have proficiency with Microsoft BI, so definitely we can deliver fantastic output to our customer.

SQL Server Reporting Services
SQL Server Analysis Services
PerformancePoint Server 2007
Comparison of current work from previous one
Yes, previously we have developed with standalone system but this time we are focusing on SAS based application. Also we are deputing infrastructure accordingly. This process is helping our customer to reduce IT budget. Because within an umbrella term that includes the applications, infrastructure and tools, and best practices that enable access to and analysis of information to improve and optimize decisions and performance.
Decision taken
Yes, I have taken decision to start Enterprise level data center in Bhubaneswar to provide cloud compute solution to customer. Also I have taken decision to do partnership with world's leader data centers Like Rackspace Inc, Liquid Web, Google, ResellerClub & Codero to provide enterprise level hosting solutions to our customer.
Recommending Specialization
I can recommend the following specialization if BI will used in future.

SQL Server Reporting Services
SQL Server Analysis Services
PerformancePoint Server 2007
Personal Information
I founded NTSPL in 21st December 2007 with a great mission to provide latest Web Technologies to the large number of audience in across the globe. We feel we are success in our mission so far and that also believe we have to work more to achieve more success and keep the pace of development process.
But that’s only half the job. You also need to cultivate talented individuals that can carry out your mission. NTSPL is constantly striving to hire the best and brightest team of experts the industry has to offer. Our dedicated, award-winning, and highly skilled team continually pushes the envelope by redefining the standards for professional web-based services.
NTSPL has partnered with world’s leading dedicated hosting company “Rackspace Hosting Inc.” & world’s fastest growing domain & web hosting company “Directi” to provide enterprise-level managed services to businesses of all sizes and kinds around the world.
Important Decisions
From the beginning I have an idea to make myself as self employed professional to serve IT related services to different customer. Also I have idea to employ more & more manpower in my company to reduce unemployment situation in some extend.
At earlier stage I have started my career as a technical professional. So at initial stage I have faced lot of challenges related to finance, commercial as well as customer relationship. Then Gradually I have learn a lot from different sources to manage & control all the business vertical successfully.
Concept of BI
Business Intelligence is all about processes, skills, technologies, practices and applications used for supporting decision making.

Business Intelligence applications could perform

- Centrally initiated by the business needs
- It includes decision support system, query reporting, OLAP, data mining, forecasting
Role of BI
Business intelligence combines a broad set of data analysis applications, including ad hoc analysis and querying, enterprise reporting, online analytical processing (OLAP), mobile BI, real-time BI, operational BI, cloud and software as a service BI, open source BI, collaborative BI and location intelligence. BI technology also includes data visualization software for designing charts and other infographics, as well as tools for building BI dashboards and performance scorecards that display visualized data on business metrics and key performance indicators in an easy-to-grasp way.
Measures to be taken
Through we have several enterprise level application for our enterprise level customer, so we are planning to integrate BI to provide enrich reporting services to our enterprise level customer for their big data analysis. So definitely this process will both to our customer as well as our company.
Your Role
Mainly I am looking after all kind of Business Strategy for our Organisation.
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