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Advice Request
Sagar Koti
Sagar Koti

Sagar Koti

Team Lead

Pervazive Automation Solutions Pvt.Ltd


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Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
We are basically Hindu and religious family, my Dad works as Bank Manager in Canara Bank, and Young Genius Brother is doing his B.E. in E & C and finally my mom is house wife. :-)
In your working career so for, please share with us what have been top 2 or 3 accomplishments/work experience/your contributions to this field.
'm working for Pervazive Automation Solutons Pvt.Ltd as IT Team Lead handling Integration projects for Complete full scale Telcom based Fau
Advice for upcoming professionals
Value Time and Work Smart and mainly have patience and love what u do.
Work life Management
I Manage most of my work including my Project Manager,Even External Project Manager and team mates. Checking every day and every step to reach milestones and Goals. Its difficult, but its Fun :-)
Current Role
A Total 101% :-)
I have been nominated as Best so far :-)
Changes in professional environment
I have changed Professional Environment, by endearing my own Profession and by teaching the same to other on how to lead things in smarter way which help in benefiting himself and company :-)
Your role model
Swami Vivekananda is my Role Model, because he never stopped doing the right thing, he admitted and loved in what he believed and never gave up. :-)
Your success mantra
Yes, When every single person in the Office pointed at told me that I did the best from the rest. :-)
Starting Differently Again
I would setup my own small scale company. :-)
Situation where you played important role as a team player
Most of the time I have played alone, because it was very important for me know more in short and hard time of my life. Tat;s is the reason I was Team Lead in just 2 year of Professional Life and always helped in resolving as key in Team.
Effective decision
To Stay focused at any work, even at the difficult curves of learning in professional life and never gave up.
My Vision
Definitely as Chief Architect :-)
Areas for the Future
Web & Mobile Technology.
Learning’s/ Knowledge gaining
Kept myself updated on my interested topics and implemented most of it in my Projects.
Advice for Additional Certifications
Java Oracle Certifications is Best.
'm Certified with same :-).
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