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Advice Request
Sachin Sharma
Sachin Sharma

Sachin Sharma


Dyulok Technologies


Sachin Sharma is a member of:

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The Journey : Early Days to How I Got Here
I started my career with a software products company. Eventually, I was promoted to a role of Senior Software Developer and Team lead. After 4 years, I left the job and started freelancing in order to explore new technologies & opportunities. After a year of exploring and trying out different domains, I decided to focus on Mobile space, and opened a start-up along with my colleague.
Decisions That Mattered
One important career decision I made was to get started with a products company. This gave me opportunity to learn well built processes, technologies & software architecture. Another important decision was to focus on technical learning at early stages of my career, instead of shifting to a more managerial role.
The Turning Points
Getting into a right software products company was first important thing for my career. And once I had a good grasp of software development there, leaving the company and doing freelancing work was another important point. Later gave me access to new technologies and a confidence that I can work outside defined setup.
Work and Role: Then and Now
I am currently working in a mobile applications start-up, and my previous company work was related to Java based web-applications.
Two Years down the Line
Two years from now I see myself working on products that cater to emerging business & consumer market in Smartphones & Tablets domain.
Changing Days: Lessons Learnt
Software has now evolved into variety of different fields. When I started, job profiles for developers were limited, choices were limited. But now there are more options available.
Trends to Watch Out For
Most important trend is the emergence of smartphones & tablets as consumer devices, and these are replacing the PCs & Laptops. From a career standpoint, I see this as an opportunity, only if I can adjust my knowledge to incorporate these upcoming changes.
Must Focus Areas for the Future
Some of the key areas where I see bright future are Native application development for Android & iPhone. Also use of HTML5 in developing platform independent applications.
Do We Need Certifications?
I never went for certifications.
Books/ Websites I Recommend
Developer sites for Android & iPhone are pretty useful with their extensive documentation & code samples. Stackoverflow is another website that I often consult.
Last But Not Least
My last piece of advice would be, "learn by practice, not by only
theory". Write lots of code; make lots of different apps, rather than
only reading the theory of subject matter.
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