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Advice Request
Sachin Gugwad
Sachin Gugwad

Sachin Gugwad

Design Team Lead in Sankalp Semiconductor Pvt Ltd

Sankalp Semiconductor Pvt Ltd

Managing professional as well as personal life
For me its very easy to manage as Im still Bachelor:). As company is located in Tier 2 city Hubli. I feel very comfortable in leading a life here. Because Hubli is not very crowded city, traffic is much lesser than Bangalore. I stay very near to office. and i can reach office in 5 mins.In that way i get much time to spend with family also spend time in office rather than wasting time in traffic.
Company and job profile
I am glad that Im sharing some of experience with Silicon India. I am basically from Karnataka, and Completed my Bachelors in Engineering in electronics and communications from one of the best college BVBCET Hubli. I joined Sankalp Semiconductor Pvt Ltd in 2007, which was a start up company that time consisting of 40 to 50 enthusiastic engineers, who were willing to make India one of the Root Hub of semiconductor domain in world. And a company whose basic value is Integrity. Company's main motto is to put centres in tier2 cities all over the world. I was really excited to join this industry, At the begining i went through 3 months of training on basic VLSI flow and design + layout items. Training was very fruitful. I worked in multiple domains after joining, I started with Power management layout, and then ADC modeling, Start up modules like POR, Then I moved to IO domain and handled projects like,USB, LVCMOS IOs,NFC and many more. Currently Im handling a design team.And spent 6 years.
Making job easier
Sankalp consists of lot of experienced people and who are expert in different domains, in that way, there is always technical support.And documentation/ Lesson learnt capture are given higher priority, So that it will help new engineer to ramp up very fast in lesser time. Always having a technical discussions with colleagues add lot to our knowledge. At the same time we will have knowledge sharing sessions so that it will be fast learning.
My strongest Skill
My expertise mainly will be in IO circuit design and verification. Though automation / Layout/ Characterization / Silicon debugging are my other skills.
My advice
Its very important to understand how much person is willing to be in Semiconductor industry, as per my view we should enjoy the work with keen interest rather than just thinking it as one of the earning way. Especially in VLSI domain people need to have basic knowledge of circuits, So its very important for him/her to go through the basic course again and just dive in to it so deep that you should know in and out of it. Some of the colleges won't give correct concepts, in that case person needs to unlearn wrong concepts and then learn correct concepts. He/She should never mug up the things/concepts. Should understand the applications and end usage of it. I will say they should love circuits /Design and all concepts related to it.
Current Trends
As it has been lot of competition in smart phones and Gadgets and portable devices. Battery management / Low power SOCs will be upcoming fields. And also lot of development is happening in Microprocessor domains.
My role model
Swami Vivekanand, stephen hawking are my role models. And also my Guru/Advisor/ Trainer Prof P Subbanna Bhat is my true inspiration, who handles Eklakshya VLSI training centre. These are the people who always motivates me to do work in right direction, No matter what difficulty i face, and also being an Indian what all i can contribute to my nation.
Family Background
Yes my family is a educated middle class family, All of my family members give preference to education rather than other luxury aspects. I stay with my parents. I have 2 sisters who are married , teacher/ lecturer in profession and are contributing in education domain. And my younger brother who is working in small start up software Industry and very enthusiastic in creating his own industry.
Goals and Ambitions
I am willing to contribute more to nation in this field and also to this society, in whatever possible way. I would like to handle a complete division which will be working in a specific domain, would like to lead a division of 30 to 40 people and come up with our own product.
My important career decision
Obviously choosing a VLSI Industry to start my career and willing to stay in small city like Hubli rather than staying in Big city. And contribute in all possible ways.
Being different
I would take career which will give satisfaction in job and also which helps to grow faster in technical domain, rather than hunting a company/MNC which gives a Big salary. That is the reason i joined Sankalp, though i would have joined other MNC. I feel most of the engineers think big MNC / which always provide much higher salary is good.
Views about 'Tech product Introduction is weak among Indians'
I feel confidence of creating our own products or fear of failure is making us weak. All engineers should have a goal/ passion of doing something to India then definitely things will fall on our side. If we develop that zeal in us, then definitely I am sure, days are not far where India will be full of Product based Industries.
My achievement
I have been successfully handling multiple projects in IO domains. Where most of them are first pass silicon success. In 2 years of my career, i promoted as team leader handling a design team.
Books recommended
I prefer to go through The Art of Analog Layout by Alan Hasting and also Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits by Behzad Razavi
Challenges faced in job
Really challenging is circuit synthesis and architecture modeling. This will definitely help in coming up with our own products.
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