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Advice Request
Ruchi Bhatia
Ruchi Bhatia

Ruchi Bhatia

Learning Consultant



Ruchi Bhatia is a member of:

Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Humility, Commitment to a Profession, Empathy, Communication skills, Ethics, Decision making ,Expertise & know how in a specific domain or domain expertise as we call it , Integrity , Doing the right thing at right time ,Transparency, Open communication, Approachable, Responsiveness . I think all these qualities add up to being a successful leader.
My strongest skill
Humility, Humbleness, Giving credit where it is due , Acknowledging good work by others, Recognizing talent, Coaching, Mentoring, Contributing to intellectual capital, Good Oratory skills, Reliability, Being a pillar of strength .
My achievements
I have had the opportunity to work in 4-5 different roles in a span of 12 years of professional work experience, work with 2 great MNCs, work with some of the best minds, colleauges and Leaders, being invited to serve as voluntary Honorary member for one of the IBM Profession board. I received award as Most Valuable Ambassador in 2009. And getting recognition from my peers and colleagues for my work projects is something I am extremely proud of.
Couple of years from now
Heading Learning or HR Function / Organization.
Initiative to develop a country
There is plenty of things young professionals in India can do today. And I think they are already doing it. I really like the Entrepreneurial spirit of younger generation. which means they are in a position to generate employment for others and create wealth. In the process of creating wealth , younger generation or Millenials are extremely sensitive to the environment they are part of. They don't like something and they take charge to change it in their own small ways , which is the best thing about Millennials. They are willing to learn from mistakes of previous generation too and create a better India.
My role model
My Dad. He is my role model. He is never shy of doing hard work. He still travels by public transport. His personal needs are minimum. He has struggled a lot to provide better things to his children. His integrity, His never say quit attitude, Believing in Simple Living High Thinking, well read. Despite all the hardships, Live life to the fullest attitude. His ability to make friends easily,social skills, he gives more than he expects, being an inspiration to his friends and fellow human beings.
My family background
My Dad retired from a Govt Job and My Mom retired as Vice principal from a pvt school. I have a younger sister who works with a startup . My elder sis is happily married and has 2 kids. I am blessed to have a family who is a strong support system . Given the demands and hectic schedule at work, I can always rely on my family members to be there when I need them most.
Important lesson learned
In one sentence, I can sum it up " Life goes on "
You make mistakes, learn from them and move on. best thing is to stay light, don't let the burden of past not let you fly.
Degree that I recommend
All top B school offer specialization in Human Resource Management. I strongly recommend candidates to pursue degree / certificates / courses either from IIM, XLRI, ISB or SHRM which is international body offering specialized HR Courses/ certifications.
It is always good if practice is founded in theory . In fact, theory is guided by practice. So practitioners and theorists are inter- related.
Continuous professional development is the key. To stay upto date on what all changes are shaping up marketplace, industry, and then using own discretion and judgement , critical thinking, reasoning to apply in suitable business environment.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
There is nothing wrong with Education system in India. It has given us many well known Leaders who are doing pretty well in society. Having said that , there is always scope to improve more. Less emphasis on rote learning and more experiential learning will produce desirable results. For those below poverty line or who can not afford higher education , MOOCs ( Massive open online courses) could be an alternative cheap option without compromising on quality.
Ensuring success
I invest in professional development on a regular basis. I am lucky to work with a company like IBM which is known for Leadership development programs. I meet so many brilliant people , for a curious mind, there are many opportunities to learn . I attend seminars & conferences online, I follow industry experts, ask questions from them on social media platforms, I am member of few communities . I try to catch up and stay upto date on what all trends are shaping the society .
Brief description about me
I am Ruchi . I work with IBM HR . I have keen interest in leveraging Web 2.0 technologies for blended learning. I am passionate about Learning, non conventional learning, professional development, Leadership development, learning design,coaching, mentoring and professional giveback. In my spare time, I like to travel, read ,indulge in cooking and listen to soft instrumental music .
More about myself
Thank you for inviting me for this interview. The days of listening to a sage are ending, and i want to be the last person to be that sage. I would rather whisper by side and be a guide . I am approachable via phone on weekends and via email during weekdays.
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