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Advice Request
Roshan Kumar
Roshan Kumar

Roshan Kumar

Test Analyst Infosys Limited

Infosys Limited


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My family background
I'm the youngest in my family of 4 sister and 1 brother. All are settled in there domain. My father is Retired from State Govt. job and Mother is housewife. All are settled in Bihar/Jharkhand.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
Indian Education system do need a bit of improvement. considering the basic schooling in early days, if more stress is given on practical work instead of regular class room teaching, it will help student learn faster and make them curious to know more. Some mandatory counseling session will surely help student to set there goal, instead of everybody going either for Engineering/MBBS. In higher education if it is related to Technical education if more project is included in curriculum, it will surely help student in professional world, instead of just one project in final semester.
Influenced by
My mother has influenced me the most in achieving whatever I have achieved till now or will achieve in future. She always wanted me to speak in English (:-)) and work in great place. I still remember my first year of engineering (A guy who was hesitant to speak a single line in public) to the place where I'm now. Certainly she is the driving force for me in achieving all these.
Important decision
In my struggling phase I accepted the offer that I got with open hand. As my only intention is to work in software industry, no matter what work would be, As whatever it may be I'll get to learn something. This approach is helping till now in my current work as well.
Initiative to develop a country
To start with one can help some underprivileged student to achieve or make them realize their dream. Either by his knowledge or money. No country can develop till all are educated and earning enough.
Degree that I recommend
If one wants to go to Development domain - Certification related to JAVA or .NET is certainly going to help in getting calls or while working as well. And if one wants to work in Testing than ISTQB is a good option. But to learn Testing one can start learning without anybody's help as well. Whenever you see any software or website always try to see it as a normal user and try to figure out what is wrong with application and how it can be improved to make it better.
Couple of years from now
Well as I said earlier my approach in professional world will be to keep on learning new things and accept whatever work is offered by the organization on the knowledge I have gained. I would be continuing with the same approach and hopefully will get better position in the organization in terms of sharing knowledge and moving together with the team.
My strongest skill
I'm a good team player and always try keep everybody in the team well informed about the work, if I know anything extra that my team mates may not be knowing. Whenever a new work is allocated to me I always try to take some time out and learn about the process before actually starting the work. These two approach helped me a lot in growing in professional world.
Brief description about me
This is Roshan Working as Test Analyst in Infosys. I always wanted to work for Web Technology and was fortunate enough to get job in Gameloft after finishing my Engineering and worked on the same. Later got an opportunity to work for one of the best organization Infosys on Banking product Finacle in Testing.
My role model
Well I do not have a single role model who inspires me and makes me feel that one day I have to become like him/her. But Every person who is the founder of any new organization and have made a mark in world inspires me to do something extra. As they all have started the work from no where and reached a place where one can reach only by his dedication towards work.
More about myself
Nothing much but I really appreciate the way question have been framed to cover all the important area which one would like to know. Other than this I would just suggest one thing to all the reader that never give up in professional world, In case you are struggling to get job/dream job keep trying. As there are enough work to offer from companies. Sooner or later you will achieve your dream.
Ensuring success
Well I never feel settled, Not when I get a job offer or appreciation in work I do or Increment I get. Everything makes me feel that this is not where I need to stop. I still need to work hard and achieve better than this. This makes me keep working hard, which automatically helps me to grow.
My achievements
Well As of now I guess giving interview to Silicon India is making me feel proud.
Important lesson learned
Never get carried away by the success you get in life specially in Education. As it's a long process till you get job. Once you do good in one exam there will be another 10 exam in the queue to appear. At the end average of all these exam will matter. So never be happy for crossing one hurdle you need to reach the finishing line to actually celebrate.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Never command your team. Always have a good interaction with your team mates and try to understand there concern and make them feel comfortable in work. Everybody can't grasp at same pace, you need to give time to each and every individual to learn than only a team can grow. Once you are attached to your team even if you ask them to do over time work they will never feel it as extra effort for company, they will consider it as there leader is asking them to work and they have to work for him.
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