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Advice Request
Rohit Sharma
Rohit Sharma

Rohit Sharma


Purity Manganese Pty ltd,Namibia

Managing professional as well as personal life
I rate myself as a buddying professional and always looking for challenges. i like work with deadline. never miss the chance to work in cross culture environment. When it comes to professional life i am always available for my loving ones .specially my parents .i try my best to spare time for the family and friends.No matter i sleep how many hours.
Challenges faced in job
I work with peoples from different countries . they all have different accent ,attitude and quite different mentality.Being holding a managerial position i work everyday 12-14 hrs.No weekend or Off.i cook myself as the Afican chef appointed by company for me is unable to bring Indian test in the cuisine and i like cooking .so, i dont have option to get tired,sick and spare time for fun.I welcome all this challenges. this will help in future in multiple way.working in cross culture environment i am learning to deal with the people with different mentality.this enhancing my technical and personal skill and earning a good experience that will be a lifetime. Learning is everywhere and in everything and i am just try to learn and cherish it and hope this will help me to grow in the future.
My role model
In this complex world i have more than one role model.Basically my dad and Mr. Barack Obama are my role model. he is very motivational . no matter whatever the condition is he is always energetic and confident and a thought "Go ahead".I recent years i am greatly inspired by Mr. Barack Obama. He came from extremely humble beginnings, overcame all obstacles and achieved what he set out to do. He still has a lot to accomplish in fact his journey is just beginning. I am pretty sure that he has what it takes to get the job done. I am not saying that because I am caught in the “Obama Mania”. It is true that he has a great personality, a charming family, charisma and incredible public speaking skills but there is also something more. He gives out a vibe of hope, courage and enthusiasm.
Views about 'Tech product Introduction is weak among Indians'
We need to give stress on research and development work.Govt. should open big manufacturing units and invite foreign investors as well. we need to be diplomatic and flexible in the business policy to attract the foreign investors.our population can become our power if the individual grow up with the quality and skills.Govt. should should do strong quality control for the educational institution.India bestowed with enough natural resources and with the proper use of it we can rule the world.Canada don't have manpower, UAE is growing over sand,Singapore increasing its area over sea and so on, Chinese Engineers can't communicate in English and they are populated in African engineering projects. then why don't we.
Books recommended
I would not recommend any particular book(s). read the thing that come across. See where are you lagging and what is the requirement.
Being different
I segregate myself on the basis of type of experience i earned in short duration. I work as a technical support engineer,team leader, Business analyst,testing application and as a acting manager.i learned from different dimensions to be a better men.its easy to pick domain, continue working on it and chasing professional growth .but i welcome challenges of new roles ans responsibility.everyone will learn by the end of the day but getting is sooner is an achievement.
Goals and Ambitions
In next Five year i would like to get degree in MBA from some top university in the world and want to see myself working for some well known MNC as a manager.
Company and job profile
I am from a middle class Indian family from katihar town in Bihar. I have done my schooling in many states in India ,as my dad had a transferable job in Indian army. I have done Engineering from Siliguri Institute of technology,(WBUT,West Bengal university of technology) in Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering. i started my professional life from a IT and service provider Telematics4u, a Bangalore based MNC. I worked in Qatar,India,Namibia. presently i am working with a mining company in Namibia an Maintenance Engineer.
My advice
I would advice the beginner to learn more and fast. you have enough time for earning.small companies are better place to learn and get different type of don't hesitate to join a company which is small and not paying you top dollars in the beginning.
Family Background
I have Family of four members. my dad is retired from Indian Army , my mom if home maker.we are two sibling,i am the younger one.
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