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Advice Request
Rohit Safaya
Rohit Safaya

Rohit Safaya

Software Developer

Aman Satya Kachroo Trust


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Books recommended
Sorry, I do not have any major interest in books. I just want to tell them to enhance their basic knowledge of the things and never go by the percentages. Percentages will always increase if you increase the basic knowledge. It will always be helpful.
My role model
I have many role models that inspire me.
One is my father and mother. They have despite so many difficulties, never complained. They are always encouraging, and despite low educational qualification, my father has always achieved what the professionally qualified people in their profession could not. It was only because of their strong basics.
Other one is my boss Dr. Raj Kachroo. He has groomed me as a professional and he always throws challenging tasks at me. He himself is a very knowledgeable person having almost the knowledge of every sphere that you can talk about.
Views about 'Tech product Introduction is weak among Indians'
First of all we have to change our thinking.
We should work towards changing and revamping our systems, be it the education system, the system of governance or any other system. We should change our adamant thinking in this respect. We should produce the courage in ourselves to accept our weaknesses and know our strengths as well and work towards reducing our weaknesses and converting them to our strengths. Then we can do something better.
Managing professional as well as personal life
I do not let them interfere with one another. That's it.
Whenever my profession demands me I have to be with it and whenever my personal life demands me I have to be with it. Both are very important for me and both complement each other.
Making job easier
I do like indulge in every matter in my organization. I take all my responsibilities as an adventure and not as a burden.
Current Trends
You will yourself come to know as the time passes by. This is not the right time to reveal anything.
My advice
Always be receptive. Start as if you know nothing and be honest towards your work. Don't treat your work responsibilities as your burden, treat them as an adventure. Don't mingle out your professional life with your personal life, you have to live both lives concurrently without interfering with the other one. These are like the two opposite edges of a river that give support to the river, but do not interfere with each other.
Being different
I do not ever segregate myself from others, because I am part and parcel of this world. A true engineer works for others and works with others.
Goals and Ambitions
I want to do something that can change the society through my profession. I want to work to make the society better in all respects. Through my profession I want to nail out from our society what ails it the most.
Family Background
I have a very small family. My father passed away this year due to illness. He was 65. Besides that my family consists of my mother and my wife.
Challenges faced in job
To change our society is itself a challenge. To change the thinking of our society and the system that it has adopted or is forced to adopt is a very very difficult task.
It gives me better knowledge and enhances my professional as well as social skills.
My achievement
It is yet to be achieved, but I am working with my team and under my mentor Dr (Prof) Raj Kachroo ji for our goals to be achieved.
My important career decision
The most important decision was to work for the company that I am with now. It has groomed me as a better professional.
My strongest Skill
To do new things that I have no knowledge of and excelling in achieving a good knowledge in that subject.
Company and job profile
I am working with Aman Satya Kachroo Trust as a software developer and a project manager.
My company has come into being when the only son of my boss, Dr. Raj Kachroo ji was killed in the ragging incident a few years ago. Since then it is the goal of our company to eradicate the evil of the ragging from our society and is working towards it. We are presently monitoring the National Anti-ragging Helpline on behalf of UGC and MHRD. We have also developed the software for the helpline and a website for this purpose.
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