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Advice Request
Rohan Agrawal
Rohan Agrawal

Rohan Agrawal

Manager at Intel


Current Trends
Ultrabooks: With the smart use of ultra-low power processors, there will be a big revolution in PC industry. These ultra-books are as light as tablets, as thin as tablets yet having USB connectivity and other features that tablet does not. In addition to this, some of the OEMs are bringing Ultrabooks with convertible hardware so that user can use it as tablet as per the need. Ultrabooks are not just about light weight and thinness but also about long battery life, rapid start to OS, etc. As an user I would like to buy Ultra-book and I will not be surprised if Ultrabooks acquire more than 60% of the PC market.
My advice
First thing first - have 100% clarity on your role and responsibilities. Discuss the same with your manager, co-workers and the one whom you are replacing. Once you understand the expectations clearly, revise the resources you are having to achieve your target. Next step is to make a solid plan with optimum use of resources, keeping odds in mind, have plan-b for critical items, set proper priority, set milestones. Now go into executing phase with full energy and enthusiasm while keep revisiting the plan you made. Make sure you are maintaining the pace required and properly document all your activities, achievements, challenges, etc. This will help during post-mortem of the project as well as while making plans for future ventures.
Making job easier
Having strong network, balanced conversations, not to be emotional at work ;) Multi-national experience and knowing regional language helps a lot while dealing with local customers. In my case I am based in Tokyo and here customers feel more comfortable when you talk with them in Japanese. It becomes easier to get what they have in their heart.
Views about 'Tech product Introduction is weak among Indians'
Big Indian companies are mainly into service sector and hardly invest anything on R&D. It's a high time for us to restore self-confidence, self-pride and to learn what our ancestors were doing when others were still in stone age. We need to re-visit "Veda" from technical point and really invest our energies over the concepts of ancient Vedic practices like Ayurveda, etc. Any invention happen only after imagination and in Vedic scriptures we had tonnes of such imaginations be it Pushpak Vimaan or medical transplant for body parts.
Family Background
My father is a Civil Engineer retired as Chief Engineer from PWD and presently working as Team-lead in private consultancy. He is the one from whom I learned basic Do's & Don't being as Engineer. My mother is a hard-working and caring house-wife. I lives in Japan with my wife and my sweet little 9-month old daughter.
My important career decision
Accepting Japanese challenge! Back in 2005 when I got the offer of learning Japanese & getting familiar with Japan's IT environment was like a challenge. Before that I had never ever thought of going to Japan for work as I am vegetarian. However like other Indians, I was also having soft-corner and curiosity for Japan that forced me to go for it. Initially it was little weird to have bilingual skills for an engineer but later I could understand that it is a big bonus or an added advantage to your profile.
Goals and Ambitions
I would like to grow myself into management. Maybe looking for a way to serve the society using my experience and learning from previous ventures.
Company and job profile
I have been working for Intel since 2008. While working for Intel I could get a chance to closely witness how the PC market has grown in last 4-5 years from Desktop to Tablets and now to Ultrabooks. Another interesting thing is that difference between cellphone and computer is going down and in near future we may have lighter computer than some of the presently available smartphones. These days I am working on making customer enabling easier and time saving. It is a high time where we need to start reducing over-usage of emails and rather replace it via web-sharing. Web-sharing can also allow us to share more information that could get missed over emails with select recipients. There are many other benefits for replacing web-sharing with emails like accountability, transparency, portability, etc.
My role model
Shri Narendra Modi Ji is my role model. 1. His focus on development and to deliver the results. 2. Mental stability - despite series of fake stories/allegations he maintained his focus with positive energy. 3. Down to earth - despite being so successful, so popular, he is yet so down to earth and can impress anyone who meets with him. 4. Innovative - he is very innovative and has vision in all sectors be it an administration, Judiciary, employment, woman-empowerment, security, controlling corruption, etc. 5. Early adapter and wise user of technology - Amazing to note that he is first politician in the world who made wise use of 3D technology for election campaign, saving time and money. This is apart from his famous Google hang out where he interacted with people all over the world directly. 6. Future PM - He is our only hope and will definitely make India a super-power, "sone ki chidiya" once again!
My achievement
Being a part of Temple project in Tokyo. It might sound little off-track for a typical professional but trust me it was an amazing journey. It was like doing something which has been tagged as "impossible" by many of us. Thinking about such project in foreign land is itself a challenge. Luckily we got a good team, good planning, enthusiastic people to execute and kind blessings. Whether it is searching a property or collecting funds or preparing charter all the tasks gave lots of learning. Now we are having Temple hall, Aashram, Vegetarian restaurant and a Vedic Culture Center. This enable us to have cultural exchange with Japanese friends, educate our kids with Vedic culture and refresh ourselves with various social gatherings, recently by celebrating Neta Ji's birth anniversary in presence of INA's Japanese soldiers.
Challenges faced in job
Convincing people for any change or new process is always challenging. Most of us have an inertia towards a change and some of us are quick on reaching conclusion. Hence it is important to first convince them to have some research before reaching to any conclusion. I believe it helps me to read various mind-sets, provides me various tips to influence the concerned stake-holders which can be instrumental for future.
Being different
I do not think I can segregate myself with others but I could segregate myself from what I used to be before 10 years or 5 years compared to now. Presently I am very much involved in multiple activities at work apart from being involved in many social activities outside office. Still many times a day I could find myself like "satisfied" or like "resting, not having much work".
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