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Advice Request
Riyaz Hatim Millwala
Riyaz Hatim Millwala

Riyaz Hatim Millwala

Independent options trader

Self Employed

Thoughts on Education system of our country
The education system is very generic and turns out clones who learn everything but know nothing. Right from the secondary level, students should be guided as to their core competencies are and career planning initiated. For eg. a student who is good in maths can be exposed at an early age to the different careers suited to him or her such as a programmer, physicist or an accountant.
Couple of years from now
For the past two years, I have been working for myself trading in the equity markets and job hunting for a suitable role. Hopefully in the next two years, either I should have settled down in a steady job which is challenging and motivating.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
There are lots of esoteric words used to describe a leader such as a leader should be visionary, dynamic, motivated, etc. Practically speaking, a good leader is one who has clarity in his or her thought processes, is a good communicator, has respect for the members of the organisation and has a good knowledge of the different processes in the organisation.
Important lesson learned
Life is all about learning from our mistakes. One should do something that you enjoy doing. If you are in a job that you hate for the past ten years, its high time for a job change. At the same time, one should try and avoid changing jobs frequently as I have done. I have learnt that the grass is not always green on the other side.
My strongest skill
I feel that I have good reasoning and analytical skills which have helped me to understand complex issues and solve them.
Initiative to develop a country
Education and compassion are the key to creating a better society. Professionals need to impart their knowledge to the less fortunate ones either through NGOs or educational institutions. In today's age of job layoffs, compassion is the need of the hour. When a company lays off 500 people, it does not look at the emotional picture that 500 families are being made to suffer just to show a higher profit. No doubts profits are important, but not at the cost of human suffering.
Important decision
One important and far reaching decision I made was pursuing higher studies abroad. Studying and working in a foreign country increased my tolerance levels and gave me an insight on how people from different countries think and interact in society.
Ensuring success
I feel that learning is a life long activity which never stops. Towards that end, I have enrolled for online courses in Udacity and Coursera to learn new things such as algorithmic trading.
Influenced by
My parents have influenced me a to a great extent by inculcating in me the qualities of honesty and hard work. However I have learnt compassion from Mother Theresa and strategic thinking from the readings of Chanakya.
Degree that I recommend
In today's world it pays to have specialised skills which mark you out from the crowd. For a career in treasury, CFA, or GARP would be helpful.
Brief description about me
In a career spanning 17 years, I have been fortunate to work with derivative products in all the three areas, namely front office where I was trading in forex, equity and commodity derivatives, back office where I managed teams working on the different derivatives related processes in hedge funds and investment banks, such as pricing & valuation, reconciliation, trade entry, collateral management, documentation and trade support. Finally my exposure to the IT field has enabled me to get an overall view of how the different systems and software that I have used in my work are designed, developed and implemented.
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