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Advice Request
Ritesh Jain
Ritesh Jain

Ritesh Jain

Associate Consultant

Infosys Ltd.


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Importance of STP
No Doubt STP - Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning plays a vitol role in success of a product .MS Dynamics solutions are being segmented for Mid / lower tier compaines . Its not like SAP R3.
Its difficult to use a single product for all industries without any industry specifc module / add-on.
Importance of 4ps
4Ps ( Marketing Mix) includes Product ,Place, Price & Promotion.Putting the right product in the right place, at the right price, at the right time is marketing. If you miss any of these , it can spell disaster. marketing strategy is not good enough if you haven't worked on all these 4 aspects.
Growth Prospect in marketing
It is right that being in Market and update you have a strong chances to climb the ladder of success soon but at the same time a single miss will be in the eye of if you take right decision on right time at right place you can get all success just like that.
In the age of cut throught competion and SMART buyer's market , Bradning plays a crucial role.Branding will place you at right position for your prospects and will fetch you the right prospects which can be converted into customers easily.
Future prospect
Few years down the lines I want to see myself as an Entrapeanur , leading a small business with a team of SMART people on board with a unique Idea and creating some values for my customers. I want to give something back to society which gives smile to few faces if not all.
Recommended Courses and Certification
there are many certifications in market like: Professional certified marketer, Online marketing certified professional etc. In my view practical knowledge and Market - Industry analysis is more important than any certification. The more time you will spend in market the more you will learn and earn.
Brief yourself
I am working with Infosys Ltd., Pune as an Associate Consultant . I have 5 years of experience and have worked as a BA and functional consulatnt in ERP Domain ( Trade and logistics , fianance modules).I have worked with different-2 industry clients from Automobile / electronic-Mfg., Retail, FMCG.
Importance of Marketing
I am not in direct marketing role. I interact with clients for Requirement gathering purpose or to understand their different-2 processes.
Importance of sales
marketing and sales goes hand in hand sharing same goal. If sale is there revenve is there so sale is the ultimate goal with some value addition or satisfaction to customer for future sales.
Marketing improves the selling market . Gives right platform to products or services to be sold in desired / potential market to potential buyers at right time .
I post graduated in Marketing but not in marketing domain as such. i have grown so far as Business Analyst , functional consultant ,business/domain analyst. Further down the line I'll get more knwoledge of domains/ industry and can become domain/ industry / process specialist or lead consultant.
Marketing is different in this competitive world from the aspect of being innovative , value - centric , customer- centric, result-oriented.You have to be updated everytime with the information of market, other competitors- their products/ services/ strategies,innovations,demading SMART customers.
Suggestions to aspirants
If you have fire to explore the market , to do something with new innovative ideas to attract the customer, if you have enthu to be updated everytime and can achieve goals in defined time frames , can competite with yourself please do join Marketing.
Positioning the product
I have worked on gloabl products like MS Dynamics Axapta and Navision . Both are ERP solutions which are being used through out the world .Microsoft has its own strategies to market their Products. Yes as a new BUZZ , few vendors are offering SaaS solution to few clients.
Future trend
Digital Marketing / Mobile marketing/ social media marketing are the fast growing sectors . as per forbs:-Smarter social media,Simplicity will reign supreme,Campaign-based marketing will take a break,Marketing will be more tied to revenue generation,Mobile will get its due.
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