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Advice Request
Ravi Shankar
Ravi Shankar

Ravi Shankar


Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Engineering, Perambular

Time Management
While scheduling my time, the most today problems and works takes my priority. Their priority and prioritizing pattern depends on the current requriements.
Spare time activities
In my spare time during day i like to gaze at the intricate patterns developed by the clouds in the sky and at night, at stars. I try my hand in thinking new machine making or new concepts such as assembling the rocket launch vehicle in the geo-stationary orbit, kinda things like that.
Favorite subject
My strongest field is Aeronautics and in that the strongest subject, propulsion takes the place. Without the aid of propulsion nothing can move since propulsion is also a form of locomotion. There are certain things that defy aeronautical thumb rule, For example the honey bees body is very large compared to its tiny wings. But still it could fly in formation at its capable speed. Here we can see the propulsion aspect of honey bees propelling it forward. But in case of aircrafts the weight must be low and the wing must be larger than the body. Likewise without propulsion nothing can move forward. Even the human being need to propel himself forward in the life.
About Myself
My name is RAVISHANKAR. M. I completed by B.E. in Aeronautical Engineering in 2010 and Master of Engineering in SPACE ENGINEERING AND ROCKETRY with specialization in Rocket Propulsion. I am a kind of optimistic person trying to learn and manipulate the things pertaining to the requirements. My ambition is to explore the whole of milky way galaxy and be the first man to land on Mars and beyond.
Family Background
My parents are railway employee. I have a twin brother and a younger brother. We come from a middle class background.
Favorite Books and Articles
The last non academic article i read was about the DAVOS 2013. We know that we are not alone in this universe. But after reading this article i came to a conclusion that we are not alone in this planet itself. It gave the information about the Alien conspiracies in USA and Russia. I felt one impact on reading the fact that owing to aliens we are like children we are just growing unsustainably polluting our environment. Also we are frequently monitored by Extra-terrestial being like a lab rat. The last non academic book i read was the Chariots of Gods, where the author outlines the hidden proofs about the alien involvement in shaping our destiny and other hard evidence. This left me a impact that we are far inferior from our ancestor. The book described how intricately our ancestors are able to build the pyramids and other structures parallel to star's position in the sky.
First Job Expectation
Job satisfaction, Time constraint and sense of responsiblity.
Most flourishing college experience
The most rewarding college experience was my attendance in National Convention organized by my Institution. We had the opportunity to listen to various top secret presentations from leading scientists from ISRO, DRDO, HEMRL, NAL and VSSC. We witnessed the professionalism and the quality of their presentation with some even having to touch their customized laptops. We also had the opportunity to interact with top scientist and to offer our suggestion about their project. It was a wonderful rewarding experience.
Most proud accomplishment
The one accomplishment that i am very proud of was my M.E. thesis. My guide selected the thesis topic and assigned it to me. The topic housed many challenges involving the mixing of paraffin wax and traditional rocket fuel together using alternate curing agents different from the chemical used in the literature. I managed to process my first grain mixing molten wax and a traditional rocket fuel together into a homogeneous grain. It was the first of its kind to be prepared within India. So i became the first Indian to produce such a rocket fuel grain. And also i became the first person in India to do static rocket firing with this fuel using nitrous oxide as oxidizer. These two first Indian things were my most prideful accomplishments.
Career Expectations
I see some changes which are light years ahead. The changes occuring in my field of study are ever increasing. These includes the SINGLE STAGE TO ORBIT (SSTO) design, Advanced propulsion concepts without using chemical rockets, Space fuel depot like the INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION etc.
My uniqueness
The one thing that is unique to me is the patience. I deploy higher most patience owing to the desired or undesired circumstances.
Challenges facing by students
The biggest challenge faced by most of the students is the confidence level and the courage to perform tasks. Except IITs and NITs, remaining private engineering college just makes more effort only to gain money rather than imparting students with essential education. Some students figure out themselves with utmost courage and get through it while majority of the student stays back at the lower end.
Additional information
Nothing except that India lost its past glory from being the most treasure country in 15th century to the most brain drainage in the present century.
Most influenced factor
From my childhood i always gazed at stars thinking to cruise to another galaxy and stars. With growing age my ambition changed to cruise at light speed. These things influenced my career objective. My plan at the age of 18 as follows:
i) To exit earth atmosphere. For this we require aeronautical engineering.
ii) Then we should go to Mars. For this we require space engineering.
iii) Next we should travel at light speed to another galaxy and beyond.
These are the things influenced my career objectives.
Also the none other than ABDUL KALAM, inspired me a lot with his missile technologies.
View s for better India
Development in nation doesn't come from a single field. Just by increasing the participation of Civil engineering students does enable the nation development. We require a multitude of fields to develop our nation. For engaging students in this development process, first we need to offer equal opportunities to all the students in all the subject fields in India, give less importance to IITs since they are functioning as exporter of engineers to USA and UK rather than nation development institutions. Whatever new bills being passed in parliament just conduct a feedback from students in that field. For example if the bill on Electricity is to be passed in parliament, give to students before passing. Surely there will be changes that will develop the country. Make students a vital part in each and every things being discussed or passed in parliament and pass the set of rules and rights in this regard. I bet you India will be a developed nation very soon.
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