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Advice Request
Ranvir Singh Rajawat
Ranvir Singh Rajawat

Ranvir Singh Rajawat

Sr. Manager

Reliance Life Insurance


Ranvir Singh Rajawat is a member of:

What can be achieved
Nothing, only our low thinking is the only limit.
Recommended Courses and Certification
You have to take some Management Certificate or You have to face is it personally with your Experience year by year.
Importance of STP
Very much
Importance of On line marketing
The next generation is online. If you want to reach them you have to be online.
Motivating Factor
My motivation is me,myself. What i do in my life i put 110% in that. If we do work in our life of thinking that might be i loose, It will stop you.
Importance of sales
Sales is primary need of any Organization.
Marketing is always different form any others streams because you have to think out of the box for creating something extraordinary.
Selling is the giving a product where Marketing is the creating environment for selling the Product.
Brief yourself
I am ambitious person in my life. From school to company i have always work to achieve something. I do not want to die as a ordinary person.
I used to tell my peers that anybody whenever says you No after putting lots of efforts on that, Just smile any wait for the next opportunity.
Growth Prospect in marketing
Idea, If you have a idea to do something go ahead it does not matter will it get success or not. We always have to learn from out mistakes.
Future prospect
After few year i would be National Head of any Company.
Sale only done after a Marketing only, So if you want to sell anything you have to focus on Marketing Strategy.
Brand is the first thing which people looks, Branding create a trust on customers.
Suggestions to aspirants
If you want to be look unique in Marketing, You have to think beyond others thinking.
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