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Advice Request
Ramesh Kumar
Ramesh Kumar

Ramesh Kumar

Google Advertising Prof.,

My achievements
Everything that yielded desired result, I count as achievement. I count among these, successfully figuring out the difficulty ratio in marketing of diesel engines in different segments, though I myself differ with the methodology used then. It was a college project work! After that being Qualified from day one while starting as a freelancer as a google advertising professional in 2008, meeting Google's 90 days minimum spent requirement may be without any parallel in this industry. This too may be counted as an achievement. However, I must tell you I am now looking for a big breakthrough in blogging. Lately, I have started taking it seriously.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Honesty is the first requirement. You need to be honest with yourself and people around you. It means ability to know ones own strength and weaknesses. Once you know them correctly you can improve on them. You can apply the same on people around you. Once they see it works on you, they will accept you as a leader, and willingly follow you. Practice what you preach, and stop not till you achieve the desired goal. This attitude creates an aura of tenacity within yourself, and people all around just blend with it. Having a clear cut vision of goals to be achieved is important. If you know your goal, means and ways of achieving it, then only you can be purposefully vigorous in pursuing it. Lack of clarity of objectives, leads to weakness of pursuit that emasculates your desire to win. One should be clear what one wants to achieve, what are the risks involved and what are the rewards of taking the risk. Here I mean entrepreneurial risk.
Influenced by
I cannot see any kind of profound influence of any particular person on me. I learn from various sources, and I know just like me everyone has different dimensions of ones personality, so while you may admire one side, you may not like the other side of the person or vice versa. I try to learn from all kind of people, in fact even from ones I have strong differences with.
My strongest skill
I count Google Adwords marketing & blogging as my professional skills. Though I have a lot to learn in blogging. I consider blogging to be the best marketing tool and there is always something to be learnt here.
Initiative to develop a country
If they can elevate their level of expertise and quality of services they offer, then they will surely be able to minimize the apparent gap. Service Quality is not merely an exhibit of professional skill sets, it goes farther into ethics, moral & good humanitarian values. If the professional is exuberant with all these qualities, they can surely find a good place in the market worldwide and help India grow and compete with others.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
Education system in India is still following the structure of colonial era. It needs to be modified to inculcate real learning and not perpetuation of rat race for marks which doesn't transform into real achievements in real life.
Its quality can be improved by introducing a system, which changes the orientation of students towards development of vision instead of mere completion of syllabus designed for foreign students by some foreign university. It means complete overhaul, but you have to do it someday. If you study the cases of foreign companies and try to learn & apply their principles, you are not doing justice with the education. You have to evolve your own and for that you have to go into the depth of your own problems.
Brief description about me
I am a Qualified Google Advertising professional, with more than 6 years of experience in handling Google Adwords Campaign. Besides that, I am also a serious blogger at, blogging about online skills development from an ordinary user perspective. I hold bachelor's degree in commerce with major in financial accounting and a PGDM in Marketing & Finance. I started using Google adwords as a marketing tool in 2006 and since then I have maintained all the formal requirements to carry the title of Google Adwords Qualified. I take exam every year to maintain my qualification status and blog is my main source of lead generation for attracting clients.
Important lesson learned
One should never deviate away from certain tested values in life. Once you start deviating problems start creeping in your life. Deviation starts with a little bit of lenient approach but it may create a big problem anytime in future. So, one must be on the tight rope all the way.
Degree that I recommend
Google Awards certificates for Search Marketing & other specialization areas in Google Adwords. One may pursue it, if one wants to become a google advertising professional. It helps prove your credentials as an online marketer.
My role model
I used to read blogs by Perry Marshall in 2006 when I stared learning Adwords, and thought of becoming like him. Slowly I came across visions of many people in the online marketing field and they all had some kind of influence on me.
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