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Advice Request
Ramalingam K
Ramalingam  K

Ramalingam K

Financial Advisor


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Important Career Decision
Earlier I used to work for an investment broking company.They work based on targets they've taken from various companies(accepting company deposits/MF companies).So as an employee I'm forced to sell the schemes for which they've taken a huge target.
I was not able to do justice to clients.Irrespective of clients` needs,I've to recommend schemes for which my earlier company had targets. There is no advisory part happening.
Also investors have the habit of doing investments thru different brokers.Say for insurance, there will be an insurance broker, for MFs the investors will have a diff broker & for a stock broking a/c they've diff broker.So no one except himself knows the complete picture of client.
If I need to do only investment advisory then that will not be complete&comprehensive.That's why precisely I've set up as a financial planning & wealth management firm where we'll get to know the big picture of client &will be able to come out with end to end solution
Challenges in profession
Getting unbiased advice
Family Background
I came from a business family. My father and all my brothers are into business in my native place. I am the only person in my family who have come out of the family business and started my business in a metro.
Essential qualities
Patience, long term thinking, ethical way of selling or convincing clients; being customer centric.
Advice for followers
dont focus on your targets. focus on client needs.
Our company has received Best Financial Advisor Award from CNBC TV 18 for Best financial advisor in south India for 2012
Career Expectation
World class service providers in the financial planning services.
Recommending References
7 habits of highly successful people by stephen covey
Outlook about option to start career again
I will focus more on the client education
Current Job & Role
Financial Planner and Investment Advisor to Senior Corporate Executives and NRIs
Way to ensure growth
I am upgrading myself and developing a team of professionals.
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