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Advice Request
Rajesh R R
Rajesh R R

Rajesh R R


AEL Data Services ,DLF IT Park,Chennai

My uniqueness
I am a hardworking Employee in our company and also easy learner about the situation.
Time Management
It depends what is critical to meet deadline.
View s for better India
First thing you learn the culture of our nation and then improve the education and social work.
First Job Expectation
1. Discipline
2. Career Development
3. Work/Life Balance
Family Background
About my family,

My father is a farmer and my mother is home maker and i have one elder sister she was married and one elder brother he is an electrical engineer.
Favorite Books and Articles
Last week i read one article in social network,one older man going to hotel and asks the hotel server,how many rupees for dinner and then server says RS.50,then older man see his purse and said i have only RS.45 .Server saw the old man with angry.After that old man says is it have lunch for RS.45 and then server says no curd for that lunch.Then old man says ok no problem give the lunch.Finally the old man finish eating and give RS.50 then server saw the old man and says i have no money i my purse.This article is heart touching for me.
About Myself
Myself Rajesh i am working as a software engineer.
Challenges facing by students
Education and work
Spare time activities
Playing cricket and listening music in my free hours.
Favorite subject
My life is my strongest subject.Because life is like a round,once you can run you never goback.
Career Expectations
My interest is to work in agriculture fields.
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