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Advice Request
Rajesh Mittal
Rajesh Mittal

Rajesh Mittal

CEO Mentor

Wizard Management Consultants Pvt Ltd


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Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
I was born & brought up in Delhi. I am married & have 2 children
Currently working at
I am MD & CEO of Wizard Management Consultants Pvt Ltd- a Delhi-based business advisory company specializing in Strategic Management Advisory, CEO Mentoring & CEO Hiring processes. I am responsible for growth & profitability of the company.
Essential Advice
It is a wonderful & fast-growing arena. In context of India, this arena is poised for tremendous growth. Many foreign players have set up shops & many more are willing to initiate their operations.
Most Important Decisions
I have moved from operation management to strategic & people management leadership. The shift is very natural & necessary.
Parting thoughts
People management & hard work are the keys to success. There are no traffic-jams on the road to that extra-mile.
Areas for the Future
Managing cost of QA processes; prototype-testing; product testing; calibration services; training on managing measurement-uncertainties are some of the areas which require a serious look-in in context of India.
Most Important Lessons
Each one of us wants to grow alongwith the organization one works for. For this to happen, one needs to be hard-working, developing people-management & conceptual skills including envisioning, speedy execution of strategic/business plans & having fun while on work are some of the lessons.
The Journey So Far
I am B.Tech & MBA.I started my career with Metal Box, moved on to few more corporate in IE,Projects & Operations before moving on to Strategic Advisory & CEO Mentoring processes
A Fine Balance:
1. Have fun. 2. Stay focussed on assignments but not forgetting that giving my best is the only thing which is within my reach. 3. It is important to know when to fight & when to fold. 4. Do not let conflicts in team to rise & resolve it before it gets manifested, 4. Take frequent & short breaks
Changes in the industry
1. It has become very specialized 2. Most corporate are outsourcing-third party inspections etc. 3. There is infusion of technology 4. More & more people are getting into the field, 5.There is higher consciousness on training & re-training 6. Cost & delivery-times have become very competitive
Required Reading
There are many many - Managing Testing Processes-by Rex Black;Test Process Improvement by Tom Koomen, websites- silicon,intertec, TUV etc
Plans for the Future
I see multitude of possibilities in Top-management mentoring; strategic advisory processes. I plan to nurture more people into leadership roles thereby assisting businesses to grow
Current and Previous Responsibilities
I have operated, supervised, managed & directed business operations. Now my role is to make people grow into higher roles so that businesses can grow. I plan to get into more complex & larger businesses & help them to cross points of inflexions.
Tech trends to watch out for
All processes are getting electronicized & computerized. There will be 2 streams of skills- domain knowledge & automation knowledge. As far as I am concerned, at this point in career, I need to get trained on the latest technologies to avoid obsolescence
Role Model
Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev of Isha Foundation-I follow what he says: 1. a successful business is one which focuses on the business of human welfare; 2. Leaders including business leaders need to focus on external engineering to provide for more comforts & Inner Engineering to get honed on human wlfare
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