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Advice Request
Rajesh Dagar
Rajesh Dagar

Rajesh Dagar

Software Architect / Business Owner

Connect Icon Pvt Ltd


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Challenges faced in job
Motivating people letting them know that they too change the world. Most people in India have a very narrow vision and most of the time it is just limited to perform their daily duty.

Currently, I am working on 3 products Retail ERP, Vedanta ERP & ConnectMyVoter. As we want to develop ourselves as a product based company we are focusing on solving some real problems, most of the time what happens when we speak with customer and tend to look and think through the customers mind this is a real challenge too because in that process we forgot/ignore your own creative ability to design a logical system which would help them more.

So we look everything how its working now & how it can be improved rather than just talking with customer & building what they want.

For me software designing is how it work rather than how it looks only.
My important career decision
Apart from switching the job at the right time, sticking to the core technology profile helped me pursue my dream correct.

And yes negotiating salary with tough HR people helped me to keep my salary almost 30% more than my batch mates :-) Once I cleared my tech round I was sure that HR will buy on price decided by me.
My advice
Make sure you apply for the job which suits your ambitions & do what you love.
Once you cleared tech round set your salary don't get trapped by salary negotiations because they need you equally as you need this job so think like a equal partner like in galli cricket match.
My strongest Skill
Intuition, Ability to take right decision at the right time, not bog down with loaded personality & speak my mind after from hard work, integrity & honesty.

I have a very strong sense of technology on how its going to work so most of the time I would already find out the purpose of any project or purpose.
My achievement
I have not won any wards apart from office achievements. One of thing that I am very proud of is starting this company called Connect Icon, which help people to take their best decisions. I after 5 year I would be able to tell you what I have really achieved because my products are in development phase.
Family Background
My father is a army personal & my grand father was a farmer & fought with english people. We live in rural delhi near najaf garh. My grand father was a numberdar(sarpanch) & declared some land mark decision at this time, which people still appreciate.

One incident I remember, which people talk still today.

Once a boy misbehaved a girl & panchayat has charged him a fine of 500 rupees but my grand father has opposed this decision so panchayat has asked him to decide punishment for the boy. His decision was that the girl will come in panchayat & slap boy 5 times & when she already hit 4 time he stopped her & asked her to leave & she touched his feet. His observation was that tomorrow anyone can pay more amount and do the same thing so money cannot be deterant for stopping crime. This is one off incident but he was a real visionary & hero for me always I still practice his learning.
Current Trends
Wireless Connectivity & Touch based system will change future course. But the real challenge for our country would be bring along the rural village up to the technology & realize their potential. He have already decided to donate 15% of our income to the school to upgrade their IT infrastructure.
Goals and Ambitions
1. Help people take best decision in real time.
2. Install our product Vedanta eSchool Manager in 5,000 across India
Company and job profile
After working for 10 year with big IT MNC like InfoPro,Fidelity & Sapient etc. I have decided to start my own Company to develop an ERP product for schools & very successful now with over 100 installation in just 365 days.

Our vision is to help people take their best decision in real time by deriving intelligence from data & present it to decision maker in a single click.

I am hoping to make our company Connect Icon Pvt Ltd in first 10 most trust-able company in India.
Managing professional as well as personal life
- Enjoy working with my Dev team
- Taking family to a weekly outing :-)
Being different
I listen to my intuition, for me its a mix of art & science which works. I am logically more fit & have a more than average coder.
I can code in most technology exists today & aware about some 100+ frameworks :-)
Making job easier
I believe to establishing right kind of connection with people, focus on my task at hand. If I don't enjoy any project I simply change the project after politically consulting with my seniors. I am very assertive person.
My role model
- Steve Jobs - For his ability to drive the world with his logical bend of mind.
- Jai Lal Numbardar (My Grand Father) - For his forgiveness attitude, simplicity of pure thoughts & struggle to fight for right stuff despite all odds.
Books recommended
All kind of books but what really inspired me to start business & do what you want is Steve's biography.
Views about 'Tech product Introduction is weak among Indians'
Well, I understand your question completely & I have already started working in this direction & developed an ERP product for college/schools.

To my mind is most Indian have a narrow vision & those who does not have a vision of making money only so they quickly switch back to services as there is more money to serve develop countries.

We need not to copy west but we need to beat them that should be our strategy. We need to think how we can stop FB & Google to spread in India.
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