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Advice Request
Rajanikanth Kesanupalli
Rajanikanth Kesanupalli

Rajanikanth Kesanupalli

Director - Validity Sensors India

Validity Sensors


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Important lesson learned
Yes, Don't take the things for granted until it is done completely.
My role model
I set certain principles for myself and i follow them strictly. I don't really have a role model but my brothers have influence on me to some extent. May be it is the principles that we commonly have and follow. If i have to name a few of those principles,it's help as many as you can, be transparent and honest all the time.
My achievements
Ramping up all operations in quick time and make them productive. Helped a company make about $25 Millions in 24 months.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Believe in what you strategies and do. Consider all the factors that influences your strategy and plan. Communicate the same to all the stake holders and make them be part of execution/implementation. Motivate them in the right direction. Make them feel part of it. Be transparent and honest to the team. Give them enough confidence to focus at goal. Help them break the ice when stuck. Do not pass the heat that you get from top to the bottom as is.
Brief description about me
Around 18 years of experience in setting up offshore development centers ( ODC ) for various product & service oriented companies. Born in 1968, did Masters in Business Administration & Management from Nagarjuna University. Expertise in setting up cost effective, highly productive SW development centers, ramping up and manage companies to be value addition of M & A propositions for any company. Co-Founder & Managing Director for Object Connect India Pvt Ltd ,an engineering services company based in Silicon Valley. C Founder & Executive Director- Kinera Communications Pvt Ltd (Renamed as Telsima ) a product company based in Sanjose developing Unified Messaging Platform. C- Founder & Director of Operations for Phoenix Technologies, a 30 year old Public company based in Milpitas, CA, a BIOS company, developing Core Systems SW. Co-Founder & Managing Director for Validity Biometric Sensors India Pvt Ltd, a Finger Print Sensors company based in Valley.
More about myself
The whole world is going on in a mad rush and it could end nowhere. There should be a balance between thriving for more and self-contentment. Once, people identify that and strike that balance things would go steady and healthy.
Initiative to develop a country
Spread the positive thoughts to the immediate circle at work at home and at neighboring places that includes your colleagues, family etc. Before making a compliant or comment on anything one should be able to give some solution for that.
Ensuring success
Trying to gain knowledge in various fields and segments to be able to improve efficiency. And at the same time, trying to spread my knowledge so the rest can follow.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
It is definitely picking up compared to earlier in terms of making it more knowledge based than just results based. However, system should focus more on hiring quality teachers than just filling the positions. Composition of subjects should also be equitable. There should be right balance of History, Geography, Science, Mathematics etc. System should be able to improve the Analytical skills of pupil.
My family background
Father was a Professor in Language and he passed away 11 years ago. Mother is a house wife staying with me. i have 1 sister who is eldest of all siblings and 2 elder brothers, both are entrepreneurs. Married to Gayatri in 1996 and have 3 daughters.
Important decision
For me, choosing the current job/company over 2 other offers that i got 5 years ago proved to be correct though they offered double. I did right calculations. Opting to continue with the same job though offered 3 times more compensation than what i am currently making as current company needs me. On business, i have dropped one customer due to some strategic reasons and it paid off well for the company.
Influenced by
I guess, it is my brothers as mentioned earlier. More than procedures, it was the common principles that we follow in general.
Couple of years from now
May be setting up another company if not making the current company bigger and better.
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