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Advice Request
Raj N Singh
Raj N Singh

Raj N Singh



My achievements
Complete the construction of Storage Tanks of Naphtha Cracker project for Panipat Refinery,Complete the construction of Jhansi to lalitpur Road Project for NHAI,Complete the construction of Metro Stations for BMRCL-Bangalore Metro Rail Construction Limited,Now working for Construction of Tunnel Project for BRO-Border Road Organization.As a HSE professional, I ensure the Safety of workforce and the surrounding environment.Provide safe and secure environment to the employees of the organization.
Initiative to develop a country
Do the job wisely and try to make be a good Indian with your work.At the time of doing your job it should be keep in our mind we are Indian, we are working for INDIA , give the best. Pay the taxes wisely.
Important decision
Ensure the Safety of employees at all the sites where i worked.Ensure to provide safe and secure working conditions i.g.Illumination, ventilation,communication,Health Checkups etc
More about myself
Save Paper, Save Energy, Save Trees, Save Environment

Degree that I recommend
Couple of years from now
In a key position
Influenced by
My Father.
He says first try to be a good man and do your work wisely,you will achieve your target.There is no shortcut for success.Make your own way.
Important lesson learned
Don't loose your confidence in adverse conditions.
Ensuring success
I am pursuing MBA and preparation for NEBOSH IGC.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Confidence,Skill, Knowledge, Expertization and Express the thoughts in a effective way.Presentation skills.
My role model
Amitabh Bachchan and Dhirubhai Ambani.
Both of them started their career like a common man and achieve the Target/ position in their respective field. Both of them faced a lot of problems in their life but they did not lose their confidence and try again and again to achieve their goal.In last they did it very well.
Brief description about me
I am a Health,Safety and Environment professional with more than 12 years experience. I worked for Petrochemical Sector,Road and Highway Sector,Metro Rail Sector and now working for Tunnel project.
As a HSE professional it's my responsibility to Look after all the Environment and Safety concern of Men, Material and Machineries, Plants, Equipments, Traffic and to take necessary action to control Water, Air, Noise and Soil pollution as per the norms,Liaising with State / Central Pollution Control Board and other Govt. Officials,Obtaining & maintaining statutory environment clearance i.e. consents, authorization, NOC & other related clearance,Ensuring all Statutory Environment safety compliance's,Ensuring Compliance with Safety norms, Code of conduct and rules and regulations,Ensure all Environmental & Ecological Laws, regulations, rules, practices etc as per the Law of India, State of Himachal and any local bodies or other authorities are complied by the contractor
Thoughts on Education system of our country
Govt. education system is failed in India at the primary (1-5)and middle (6-12)level.Nobody wants to admit their child in these schools due to the performance of these school. We are paying a huge amount for the teacher in these school but output is zero. Accountability should be fixed for govt. employees. New thoughts,concepts should be adopt.Revise the Syllabus and make as per the industry requirement.Public - Private private partnership is a good option.Through Public-Private partnership good education can reach in villages, in villages there is a lot of land and building of Primary education dept.are available to use in a effective manner.Rural peoples are ready to pay for quality education,They need quality education not midday meal or free dress etc.
Without improvement in primary education we cannot achieve the target of education.We can literate the peoples but cannot prepare for industry through this system.
My strongest skill
Risk Assessments,Environmental Aspect and Impact Assessments,Incident Investigation & Documentation,Direct Field Support,Air,Water,Noise Monitoring,
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