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Ask Rahul Kaushik for Advice
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Advice Request
Rahul Kaushik
Rahul Kaushik

Rahul Kaushik


Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

My uniqueness
Finding positive aspects about the incidents happening around is one of the good things in me. Life is full of light and darkness but the best thing about darkness is that a little beam of light is capable enough to get rid of darkness and this little light provide us the source of pleasure. I enjoy each and every little success of my life in my special own ways which is important to feel the zeal of life.
About Myself
I'm ph.d research scholar at IIT, Delhi. Basically I belong to a small town of Haryana. I like making friends and enjoying with them. There are so many special friends in my life for whom I can do anything and even they can do anything for me.
Since my childhood I have been under the special care of my parent being the youngest among siblings. I have enjoyed a lot in my life and whenever I look regrets even for a single decision because solely I'm responsible for all of them. I never run away from my mistakes....yeah I have committed many mistakes as do the usual human being but they had made me learn lot of things. Life is all about learning from past, living in the present and efficient planing for the future although I'm little poor in the last one but till now I'm very happy with my poverty. I have given so many precious years of my life to study and very soon it will be pay back time. For all I would hard work never goes in vain.
Time Management
My priority order is basically dependent upon my mood and some times other might feel that this person have gone mad but later on they realize their misunderstanding about me. Most of the times I listen to my heart before taking any decision the rest of the world comes after it. I don't want to blame anybody else for making me biased while taking any bold decisions because it might cause distance in relation if the suggestion goes wrong. I usually do short term time planing and finds the long term planing very stupid. Now the question arises how long is this short-term ....of course not in days, its like next two or three years. I believe in family first concept specially my parents...yeah it might sound very selfish but is the truth. My priority order is based on all the fact discussed above.
Favorite subject
I'm life Sciences student ....devoted 26 years of my life to it and still going on. The number 26 explains itself the reason. Apart from study I'm good in counseling, not the career counseling but the happiness counseling (You might not have heard of it but I seriously do it with lot of fun.)
Most proud accomplishment
Starting from a very small govt school to IIT, Delhi....the whole journey is full of proud moments. But the most wonderful thing was my result of CSIR-JRF exam, the 42nd AIR although its two years since it happened but the memories are still fresh in my mind. From my family point of view they are very proud of me for being IIT student. Being an IITian always gives a special feeling... isn't it..??
Challenges facing by students
I believe that student life is best phase of our life and how fortunate I'm to elongate it to 30 years of age (till the completion of my age). But generally speaking the pressure maintained by teachers and the parents to score good marks and mean while we do have our personal issues like playing cricket for hours, watching movies, wondering around with friends .... very tough to make the balance that what a student feels while facing all this. But this is life I still miss that phase of my life.. if would have given an opportunity i would love to live that phase again and again.
Career Expectations
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology is its growing phase in India but we are growing very fast considering the facilities available in different computational labs in India. Hopefully we will be recognized on International map in this field very soon.
Favorite Books and Articles
The Wings on Fire : Autobiography of Mr. Ex-President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalaam. Seriously an awesome experience of reading. You enjoy the reading most if your imaginations start creating the whole scene in front of your eyes and thats what I felt while reading it. From small village of Kerla to President house ... full of lessons to learn.
View s for better India
The development of any country is highly dependent upon the youth of country in fact educated and well directed youth of country. Very unfortunately we have so many young politicians (40+age) who are participating in development of India to take it nowhere. Before increasing student's participation they are needed to be directed towards nations development. The same stick from matchbox can be used to cook the food and to burn the houses so its up to you that how you uses your match stick.
Most influenced factor
Hardly 10% people in the world achieve what they would have planed in their early age and I'm the part of rest of the 90%. Whatever I have achieved in my life is all because of my family, their expectations and the trend set by the elders. Once I started enjoying what I was doing was all mine. Its the human nature that he needs little pushes and fall to succeed and same was my stories. My family supported me when I was down and pushed me when I was legging behind.
First Job Expectation
The mantle satisfaction after doing that job is the foremost thing or else it will ruin your life. If some one can do better then he should be given the chance.
The second thing is the salary, if the salary is not sufficient enough to live a peaceful happy life...there is no use of such job.
The third but not the least is time demand for the job, we need enough time to spend with our family so job should not be so much time demanding.
Additional information
Life is all about living happily and letting other live happily. If one succeed to do this there will be happiness all around. Help the others as much as possible it makes us feel good about ourselves.
Spare time activities
One of the hobbies you might have become familiar with as i have spent all most two hours or so in giving these answer. Apart from this I like listening soft music as it's playing even now in the background. I love discussing different current issues critically with the friends.
Most flourishing college experience
During my master's program I have learned so many things. What to do by not doing them and what to not do by doing them. Some one has said, "To know that you know and to know that you don't know is the real wisdom of life" and learned that from those days of my life.
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