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Advice Request
Raghavendra Navale
Raghavendra Navale

Raghavendra Navale

Working as a Senior Manager in a IT Services Company

Sutherland Global Services


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My role model
There are many role models who inspire me in one or the other ways in Life
Some of them are my peers, relatives, Friends

I Look up to people those who work hard, Never compromise on their values and rise like a pheonix

Sometimes i feel envy about them but appreicate their passion, dedication and commitment towards their goals
Thoughts on Education system of our country
As per GOI each and every child in india has Right to Education but all Government polices and rights has no value and its a Joke a middle class man like me have to pay big amount of money to secure admission for LKG
Once we get admission than its a big bad world where again rather than focusing on values they teach them about some structured syllabus and kids some how under pressure mug up and omit everything in exams
Couple of years from now
Its little difficult to predict and i always take life as it comes and give my best in whatever ways i can i might succeed/fail looking at the span of my career of about 13+ Yrs in the IT Industry am confident that i can make it big and survive in this industry for long
Ensuring success
In IT industry you always have to be Updated and stay connected with all the mediums available to us be it linkedIN or any Job portals
I have done certifications on Project management and Testing and also its very important to enjoy the work or else it can be stressful
You also need to maintain work life balance, maintain a healthy diet, stay healthy
Important decision
There are certain key decisions that has shaped up my career
I was working in an BPO ITES company and 2002 i made a key decision on venturing into Software testing arena and that helped me to gain momentum and now am enjoying my career in Software testing arena
Initiative to develop a country
Change is not easy. But, things have to change if we want them to improve. Change doesn’t happen automatically. It must always be initiated.

1.The first step is to get clarity on exactly what do you want to Change in India. What do you believe in? Be absolutely clear about your goal.
2.Now that you know what you want to change, you can figure out how to go about it. Find out what is going on in your particular field.

Don’t wait for things to happen. Take the lead and try to understand how you can have an impact.
3.Use your strengthsYou miss 100 percent of the shots you never take.
Everyone has certain things that make him or her stand out. Understand yours. Some people are good speakers, some people are good managers, some people are good at writing or any other skill for that matter.
4.Start plantings SeedsYou miss 100 percent of the shots you never take.
Now that you have taken the initial steps, its time to level up.
5. Network with like minded people
and 6. Keep up the spirits
Degree that I recommend
Usually in IT industry its very important to choose your Masters accorindgly an MBA will definately help and also there are various boards who offer certifications that are highly recommended for IT People
My strongest skill
• Strong knowledge of all phases of SDLC and Strong working knowledge of Software testing
• Extensive experience in coordinating testing effort, responsible for test deliverables, status
• Proficient in all cycles of test life cycle from test planning to defect tracking and managing defect lifecycle
• Sound experience in handling complex heterogeneous technology with large and multiple project spread across many geographical locations interacting with multiple stakeholders including PMO, testing practices, senior management, client – Director, FTE, PMs, Developers, BSAs, product management
• Sound experience in performing Process catalyst role for testing projects.
• Proficient in conducting variety and various testing trainings for large test groups.
• Expertise in various testing types - SIT, UAT, System Testing, Volume Testing, Installation Testing, Database Testing, Alpha Testing, Beta Testing
Brief description about me
• Raghavendra Navale - Masters in computer science from IGNOU with additional certification of PMP ® and ISTQB – Advanced Test Manager over 11+ yrs in core testing Expertise in Banking and finance (Investment Banking), Education
• Strong knowledge of all phases of SDLC and Strong working knowledge of Software testing
• Extensive experience in coordinating testing effort, responsible for test deliverables, status
• Proficient in all cycles of test life cycle from test planning to defect tracking and managing defect lifecycle
• Developing and Maintaining Test Scripts, analyzing bugs and interacting with development team members in fixing the defects
• Participated twice in UAT (User Acceptance Testing) conducted @ client side in UK
• Domain Expertise in Investment Banking, Education, e-governance
• Experience in writing Test Plans, Test Cases for the Web Applications & Desktop applications
• Last 4+ Yrs I have been involved in managerial role (QA Manager, Test Manager, Project Manage
Important lesson learned
Some of the key lessons i have learnt in my life
1. Avoid shortcuts
2. Enjoy Life as it comes
3. Never ever compare self with others
4. Have a realistic goal and work hard to acheive it
5. Whenever you get a chance help the needy - Its a great feeling to make people happy
My family background
Am married to a single wife..:)
Have a kid he will be 4 Yrs next month
My parents come from a humble background and they stay in my native place Shimoga, Karnataka I also have a younger sister she is married and also leaves in Karnataka
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