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Advice Request
Rafik Rahaman
Rafik Rahaman

Rafik Rahaman

Business development and operati

Wilshire Software Technologies

Career Profile:
My Responsibilites in current role is to see the sales as well as foot fall (walkinns)to the branch,make research on the recruitment in IT industries as on what
plat form the new recruitment is going on ,The Technologies the IT companies are using for better performance etc.
The Journey So Far:
As I started my carriers from ICICI Bank Ltd,we have started opening of Sarlary account with IT corporates ,we use to have Info desk in corporates both for services and to sell other products like Home loans,Car loans ,Personel loans.I am a part of team promotions ,I have coordinated for many ATM op
Plans For The Future:
I want to be in Middle Managment in a couple of years from now.
Degrees That Matter:
I am BA ,DCA from NIIT,I am certified by Osmania university for modular languages.
Required Reading:
always read out case study of the big companies ,there are many websites and books available,case study shows all the activities ,of an organisation in all aspects.
Growth Strategy:
always honest to each and every person ,be panctual,listen to co-workers make them to understand the goals of organisation achive it with participative management.
Changes In The Professional Environment:
it was like a small ray of sun shining ,every co-worker is able to understand his responsiblity ,I use tell them about total expenditure and the total revenue we are generating ,when i show them the facts now they are able to understand becoming a positive participants.
Family Background
Small family ,mother(home maker)wife(home maker) three sons and one daughter all are students.
Done Differently:
The fact is same always putting it differently ,I have to observe the environment the audience and accordingly act differently.
Working Life Management:
First of all 'Work is worship'how much worsip we do that much is better for us.
we sould always use proper time management ,which helps us a very lot for work life balance.
Job Profile:
I belive in Participative Management ,where I make each and every employee from executive level to manager level resource to complete a task and the goal of organisation .I donot belive in Authoritive Management.Always motivating the co-workers,listen to them and work on organisation goals.
Advice For New Professionals:
Always for professionals should know the Business ethiquets ,the positive thinking of give and take.Perform good and ask for better Sarary.
Professional Strengths:
Sales and Marketing,Management of events and promotions I am expert in ATL ,BTL,TTL activities.
Involvement in the Industry
I am working for Wilshire Software Technologies,I am the Business development Manager&Operations.In house activites management of resources administration Sales activites increaseing of walkins making tie up with new clients ,corporate business development ,management of exhisting clients etc.
Other Thoughts:
I have one great Chines Sayings

"If you tell me I forgot"

"If you show me I remeber"

"If you involve me I can understand"

these three lines which make an great impact.
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