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Prof. S.s. Prasada Rao
Prof. S.s. Prasada Rao

Prof. S.s. Prasada Rao


Hyderabad Business School, GITAM University


Prof. S.s. Prasada Rao is a member of:

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Education and Teaching Background
With a Ph.D. on Venture Capital Industry, I worked as Professor of Finance at GITAM University, of which Hyderabad Business School is a constituent, for the past twenty years. I have taught and published research papers in the specific areas such as Financial Accounting, Cost Accounting, Management Accounting, Banking Theory & Practice, Entrepreneurship, Indian Business Environment, Strategic Financial Management, Financial Institutions, Markets & Derivatives and Merchant Banking and Financial Services.
Top 3 Things Companies should Know about our Students
That we are committed to make them industry ready by getting them interact with top executives invited from industry, by providing them with intense training in conceptual knowledge in their core areas of management, soft skills and, very importantly, by imparting the right attitude and values that make them strive for excellence in whatever they do.

That our students are handpicked for admission into our institute after a grueling testing process that ensures that they have the requisite aptitude for management field.

That they have been trained with the help of the most innovative pedagogical tools, in one of the most up to date curricula in the country, and by a very passionate and academically excellent team of faculty members.
Things to maintain Quality of Education
HBS is uncompromising about academic rigor. Students are not only presented with challenging intellectual assignments every day of the programme, they are also compelled to relate actively with the latest developments in business industry. Besides, most assignments require them to go to the market and study.

HBS provides its students with every resource that they are likely to need in their quest for knowledge – unlimited e-resources, study material, case studies, printed journals and reference books etc. The faculty members are accessible to them almost any time of the day. The evaluation process encourages them to apply their conceptual knowledge to analyze latest developments in the field.
Motivation of the Faculty to provide best Education
Just like our admission process, our faculty recruitment too is a grueling process. Faculty members with an excellent academic record and a deep and proven passion for teaching, research and consultancy, are recruited and given support and handsome incentive for superlative performance. A conducive environment is ensured for them to carry out their research and pursue teaching and consultancy. They are encouraged to participate in national and international conferences in their field of teaching and research, to be in touch with researchers in their field, and to carry out projects with internal or external financial support. Refresher courses and faculty development programmes are organized at regular intervals.
Thought on a management student should also know to face in competitive corporate world
The foremost quality that a student aspiring for professional success should possess is to adopt the right attitude towards one’s work. Those who are complacent about their skill and knowledge level at any point in their career will have to put up with limited success. In a competitive corporate world only a consistent commitment to quality performance will ensure success. This commitment would require that one is constantly honing one’s skills and is always ready to go beyond one’s comfort zone. They should realize that every crisis is a learning opportunity, and that learning is an unending process.
Future students & Hiring Companies
I wish to tell our prospective students that they are most welcome to our institution only if they are deeply passionate about management studies, whatever be their earlier track record. They need to keep in mind that they need to sacrifice their freedom for the duration of their study at HBS, since each one of them will be closely and constantly monitored by a faculty mentor. The rigor is meant for their hassle-free future. To the companies, I would like to say that we are committed to contribute to excellence in industry through our students.
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