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Prof Sriram S
Prof Sriram S

Prof Sriram S

Executive Director and Professor

Great Lakes Institute of Management


Prof Sriram S is a member of:

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Education and Teaching Background
I have a Bachelors Degree in Economics, and a Masters degree in MBA (Marketing) and am about to complete PHD in the field of Strategy and Family Business. As far as teaching is concerned, Strategy Management – Strategy Execution, Strategy Formulation, Strategic Profitability management, Economics of Strategy and Management Control Systems are the courses I teach.
Top 3 Things Companies should Know about our Students
Firstly, they must be aware of our selection criterion – we not only select candidates with good test/academic scores, but also sound managerial traits and leadership potential. A student might have 99 percentile in a test, be a gold medalist – but that matters only till s/he gets to the interview. In the interview, candidate chosen is the one who independently convinces us of his/her leadership potential.

Secondly, a lot of emphasis is laid on the kind of faculty who comes at Great Lakes to teach. We see our college among the top five B-schools in the country as far as teaching-learning effectiveness goes.

Thirdly, we also sensitize students, through programs like Karma Yoga and Empirical Study, to the society they are operating in, which is becoming increasingly important.
Quality of Education
A lot has been done to ensure quality of education. One is that we keep an eye on our pedagogy - the courses we teach, their content and the professors who teach them. We engage very actively with the industry. We get a lot of people with good industry background coming in to teach courses. This process enables us to know the contemporary issues and problems faced by industry and that allows us to re-look at what we are doing.

Rigour is important, but relevance is as important. To make certain of relevance, we keep reviewing our syllabus and being an autonomous institution, we have enough flexibility to do so. If, today, we feel that a course is no more relevant, it is replaced. To keep up with the current global scenario and perspective, a lot of international faculty is engaged in. If you compare year on year, you will never find the courses being offered 100% same. There are modifications, and faculty is given necessary freedom and flexibility to design courses making them relevant to today’s times.
Motivate Faculty to Provide Best Education
Firstly, we give autonomy to the faculty. Secondly, in terms of financial remuneration, we pay much higher than the equivalently-ranked institutes. Thirdly, we go more by outcomes. We don’t go by the system wherein one can take only limited number of days off. Faculty can take a leave whenever they want and for however long they want, as long as outcomes are met.

In conclusion, remuneration, autonomy and the research support given to faculty are some of the factors that motivate them.
Student Getting Ready to Face Corporate World after Education
Apart from gleaning knowledge from all the sources possible, they should work on identifying their own strengths and weaknesses. Also they should focus on their interpersonal skills, communication skills. A student must have an ability to try new things and take initiative. Furthermore, a person with good soft skills may go higher than the person with good grades. Unfortunately, most of the B-schools focus on grades and not on soft skills. They are very good in terms of structure but many of the things cannot happen in class. That is one of the reasons we do so much work in the various clubs and the committees, so that students can learn how to work in a team, and hone their soft skills.
Future students and hiring companies
Technology can actually enhance the classroom learning. So far, online education has been looked at as a substitute to teaching, but our focus is to see how to make it both the complement and the supplement to the teaching. If we can combine these two creatively, it will provide a much better result.

We are very open to making it an inherent part of our learning process. In fact, we are experimenting with FLIP classroom, wherein we will provide the lectures beforehand and the classroom will be used only for discussions, questions and clarification.

Furthermore, this will enable students to watch videos at their own pace, anywhere, anytime, to enhance their learning
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