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Advice Request
Prashanth K
Prashanth K

Prashanth K


Specialization area in Embedded systems
Car infotainment. The infotainment systems have been improving a lot since years. It has been significant in recent years, since the development of smart mobile platforms. There is room for improvement, and there will be a generalized platform soon and we can see significant innovations very soon!
Upcoming Language with embedded systems
C++ and Java. Still, the low level drivers will be in C. But, it is the time for the development of Applications.The embedded devices come with more memory than the previous times. As using these high level languages for the development of applications is more efficient, developers would prefer them
My corporate journey
Started my career as a Trainee engineer in a start-up in Bangalore, but we had to close down in an years time. From there I joined Lear. Lear gave me a really good exposure. I got to work at Lear's German location, and currently as Senior Engineer at Continental Automotive Pte Ltd, in Singapore
Money vs Job Satisfaction
Job satisfaction. On a lighter note, if one earns a lot but has no time to spend it, it does not make any sense. On a serious note, when one does something which he does not like, he will not be able to perform his best, so he may not be sincere to his work.Being sincere to work is very important
My role
Senior software engineer. I design the GUI. I design the modules using UML, and program in C++. Along with this I conduct training for my juniors, and I mentor them. In the past I have lead the teams and carried out team coordination across the countries. Now my work is software architecturing
My rewards
I can mention the software modules I have designed, like the memory manager,to replace malloc and calloc, or the Menu GUIs I have designed for the display units of VW and Audi.But it is too technical.I really enjoyed the technical coordination that I carried out for the success of the projects in Lear
Important role as team player
Continental has a concept of War Rooms, when we have a tight schedule and a lot of customer issues to resolve. It was a great experience when we (a group of 8 enthusiastic engineers), worked towards success by resolving all the issues, overcoming significant challenges. Finally we received the status of Class A suppliers
Advice to workforce
Be sincere to your work, do not do something for the sake of improving your resume. Do anything, but do it with your full heart. Put all the efforts, respect the team etiquette. Do not expect the fruit for your hard work, keep doing your hard work, you will surely get the returns.
After 5 years
As a decision maker for the projects. As a major contributor for the continual growth of the organization.
My family background
I come from a middle class family or South India, from a village. My father is an agriculturist and mother is a house wife. Got a sister, she lives in Delhi, with her family.
My prospective on India technological development
To launch a technical product company, it needs talent as well as money. India has a very big pool of talent. But all the talents do not get the support of money. Govt should start more incubation centers to support the young talents.In other countries, support is available even in the Uni campuses!
Role model
I read people like Swami Vivekananda. His words are great inspiration. The story of Steve Jobs, is a very big inspiration to achieve almost anything! And one more person who inspired and inspires me is my maternity Uncle, Dr. Neerchal Nagaraj.
Certifications recommended
I have not done any course on Embedded Systems, so personally I do not have any experience in taking courses or degrees in this field. But if one should be good in electronics and computers to do well in this field. There are some Unis in India and abroad lately providing degrees in Embedded systems.
Books recommended
For starters, An Embedded Systems Primer by DE Simon, Better Embedded system software by P Koopman, Computer Architecture and Embedded Systems by W Wolf. For advanced design, one can follow Design Patterns by Bruce Powel Douglas. Effective and more effective C++ is a good book to sharpen C++.
Future of embedded systems
A lot and lot! Human life will be more computerized day by day. Just imagine the electronics we used in 90's and now. It will be growing, I would say, we are still in a starting phase, there are a lot of machines to come in our life to make it better and better! And all will need embedded software!!
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