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Advice Request
Prashanth Kubsad
Prashanth Kubsad

Prashanth Kubsad


CISCO Video Technologies

Degree that I recommend
Masters in Business Managment, Business Strategy
My achievements
I am proud of what am i today and everyone who made it happen.
Ensuring success
There was always been a short term goal in my life. However never thought of making it large. May be satisfied with what i had. But now my dream is to take my life to next level.

Keeping all my senses open to find a right opportunity. Always been a firm believer "First honest step towards your dream will make you fly towards your dream".
Thoughts on Education system of our country
Education in india has become monotonous, children are not allowed to experiment on their own and are restricted. Children have to live freely. Teachers have to spend quality time with children and understand what makes them happy encourage and motivate them to achieve it. For me syllabus should be of least priority and teach them actual facts of life.
My family background
I come from middle class family, Dad was business man, retired now. Mom house wife, but very passionate about reading new things, good orator and writing (poems, atricles..etc). I am mostly influenced by mom she is the one who exposed to me the world of meditation.
Couple of years from now
I have a dream and thinking big. I want to be entrepreneur, my entire positive energy is focused on achieving my dream. I believe where there is a will there is a way.
Initiative to develop a country
India is great country with great scholars and thinkers. It has a great talent, which is not utilized efficiently. We are becoming slaves again, IT giants India are looking only at services for developed countries. We need to have a paradigm shift, encourage entrepreneurs and provide a market of Indian products. We need to be more expressiveness (Having ruled for centuries, we are least expressive people, when compared to other developed countries) and stop corruption.

Great leaders are not born, but made with experience. Let us fail and learn, but should not follow. Create niche of products from India.
My role model
I dont have one specific role model. Different qualities of great leaders and thinkers inspires me. Swamy Vivekananda's courage, Steve Jobs Persistent determination, Bhagat Singh for his commitment and dedication to name a few.
My strongest skill
Through course of my journey from developer to Manager. Learning curve was always on higher side. Now PMP certified Project Manager, Learning from team every day. Able to Connect people, empathy towards customer and customer centric professional are key take awaya
Brief description about me
Usually Prashanth by nature. Practitioner of Reiki, Yoga and Meditation, though not regularly. Love to read about highly influential persons and how they make it to big. I am influenced "Self Mastery and Working with Others" which is mentioned by Steven Covy and Mahatma Gandhi's " First Change yourself and then World".

Always wanted more out of life, but restricted due environment. Need to break the barrier and reach out to world. Always gone by my instinct. A moment can change life, thinking different ways to get my instinct and moment to act together
Important lesson learned
Life has always been fascinating with UPs and downs. Life has thought me being positive, perseverance and patience. With 3P's everything can be achieved.
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