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Prashant Shrawak
Prashant Shrawak

Prashant Shrawak

General Manager

Mahindra Composites

Important career decisions
Choosing the correct professional assignment. Accepting Marketing Head position at SME with 4 years total experience in the industry gave me chance to test and prove my skills.
Select most relevant team for any professional objective was another important factor. Many a time I bet on fresh engineers or people with required soft skill but not relevent experience delivered the best.
Accept the assignement where you can add value and say no when the opportunity is on the way but you are not the most suitable for the same.
Excellence in Management
Lead the team for operational excellence and delivered many improvement projects. Now we will raise our level from 3 to 4 (on scale of 10) in Mahindra system which is assessed by Japanese professors
Identify, select, negotiate and sign off technology license agreement for updating technology and products to global standards.
Participate and negotiate the bidding process for the acquisition opportunities
Handling Grievances
I have my ways to handle different grievances differently. If it is interpersonal then I do not get involve. I provide tips to them and ask them to sit together and solve themselves.
If it is against company policy then it is chance to educate and if required do something exceptional to rule to remain fair.
My emphasis is more on sharing and transperent with people so to avoid such situtation. Mutual trust is best medicine to avoid these situations
Leadership qualities
1) Be a team player than only Leader. "What is captain without team?" need to understand.
2) Lead from Front and by Example. Don't be teacher all the time. In critical times take the task in hand lead it. Specially key initiatives as decided by team
3)Creat opportunities for others to grow, expand carrier and learn more. This is utmost important part of build trust and respect for you
4) First thing first and identifying key task is important for any success. Success will breed success stories. For such key initiative set up review and monitoring parameters and periodicity.
Current Job description
•Lead management team for six months and run complete business with reporting to Board of Directors during F13.
•Key account management at Ashok Leyland for 12 business units of Mahindra Systech. Arranged “Technology Day” at customers place and firm up “Preferential Supplier” status for most of units.
• “Chairman - Shadow Board” for auto component business companies under Systech Sector. My team is working on “Branding Plan” for the Sector.
•Cultural change campaign “Rise” is under implementation in Mahindra Group. I am designated as Change Agent for my company.
.Identify, develop new products. Establish sales channels for the same. Launched 2 new products for B2B sale in last 5 years
Tech Management matters more on
How to decide Priority
Monitoring projects and alignment of required resources
Awards and Recognitions
•I joined as Asst. Manager and in 6 years reach to current designation. 5 Promotions in 7 years
•Many Certificate awards for CFT success, New business opportunity success, Part development project management.
.Team member for Innovation award
My advice
1) Be the human first
2) Build character as root of professional life
3) Manage you time / gadgets and not let them manage you
4) Set objective for your life and then accordingly you can set for your carrier
5) Learn to say NO if you don't want to say YES
Ensuring Growth
1) Learn the new techniques of Management and Leadership
2) understand and practice new ways of communication for effective leadership. (Social Media is important)
Team Management
I believe more in Harizontal communication and decision making. Teams to set their own objective (under leaders guidance) and decide dos and don'ts to achieve it
Rest will be success story
Managing personal and professional life
Professionally, tools like skill matrix and project planning etc are important to run enterprise successfully.
Set goals and break it into elements. It create your own dots so easy to connect them.
Avoid mixing professional and personal life
Influenced by
1) My teacher for meditation in college who build the human in me first than engineer. Dr. Raman Khosala
2) My Engg college principal Pratap Borade who built discipline and courage in life
3) My boss Mr. Ajit Lele who teach me on how to create opportunity for business and people and build the team
My views on India Technical development
We drive our car by looking into Rear View Mirror. We use historical data to build product of future.

How to forecast future need and build product for the same within specific timelimit is missing.
Family background
I am leaving in Pune with Parents. My father is retired Branch Manager of SBI. Mother retired as social worker.
My wife is Software professional and working as visiting lecturer along with her house hold responsibility
Doughter is 11 year old and Son is 6 year old studying school
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