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Advice Request
Prasad Vemparala
Prasad Vemparala

Prasad Vemparala



Brief description about me
I am a Chemical engineering Graduate from AU in 1976. I was born in a village near Amalapuram in East Godavari District in AP.My father worked as Telugu Pandit and Sanskrit Lecturer. My grandfather was a well known Sanskrit Scholar in the region.
My child hood was spent in small towns and Villages. I studied in Municipal schools and Zilla Parishad schools.
I have been a National Merit scholar ship holder during my student life. I moved to Bombay and worked as Reserch Assistant in IIT Bombay in 1976. Later I worked in Calico Chemicals in Chembur . I joined in HPCL( Hindustan Petroleum Co) in 1979 and worked till 1997 where I held many positions.
At different times different number of people used to report to me.I worked in Operations initially where 12 to 15 people used to report to me.I left HPCL in 1997 while I was Senior Manager in International Trade.During course of my career in HPCL i have acquired lot of exposure in Industry and acquainted with many people.My Life in Mumbai has been quite good.
I left for Middle East in 1997 and joined ADNOC(Abu dhabi National Oil Company) as Engineer. I worked for 15 years and I was respected for openness and friendliness. By Nature I am an Extrovert and I am a pro poor person.I am interested in all the areas of life and there is no area where I cant discuss thins. Politics, Sports, Music,Economics, Movies,Business and International affairs. I resigned In 2012 march and came back to India and decided to take a break in career to fulfill my family responsibilities.
Challenges in job
The most challenging job is to expand the work given to me. I want to quickly complete my tasks based on the urgency.If it is not urgent it should be planned properly.  I think it will help me to achieve things faster  in life.
Job made easy
People Co-operation and friendly supervisor makes the job easier.

Upcoming Trends
The future belong to LNG and Gas. The alternate energies like wind and Solar energies can supplement the Energy needs. How ever the Oil and Gas is such an important field, only automation and Optimization can make impact  on the Industry.

My prospective on India technical development
The responsibility lies with with the Government at the Centre. Instead of promoting the Swadeshi industry the Government and Big Business groups want only to do Trading in the country, It is unfortunate. No outsider will come here for Charity or to promote our Industry. The Government is aware but it does not bother about the country in any manner.
My prospective on India technical development
The responsibility lies with with the Government at the Centre. Instead of promoting the Swadeshi industry the Government and Big Business groups want only to do Trading in the country, It is unfortunate. No outsider will come here for Charity or to promote our Industry. The Government is aware but it does not bother about the country in any manner.Our Dependency on Liberalization and Foreign Investment will bring down our Economy.Govt is moving out of Industry in the name of disinvestment. It has already made Education and Medical commercial. We have big market. We don't need to Export.Let us import only what we need. We have every thing to meet our people requirements Let us encourage manufacturing and this will create more wealth and jobs. Let there be rationalization of salaries among various category of workers. The Government more  creates problems than it solves.Let there more employment  than more salaries.Where needed we can buy Technology. Our Trade deficit one of the biggest. Government is interested in Corruption. Let us encourage Co-operative farming to reduce farming costs.

My goal
I don't keep goals . My ambition is to keep my self fit and healthy and Happy. I would like to help poor and educate them in areas where it matters. In my opinion you keep doing things what you want and you will find your goal.
family background
I am 57 years and I have two children. One daughter and one Son. My daughter did BE (CSE) and MBA( Finance) and working in Pune. My Son is in Final year Chemical Engineering in AU.
My wife is an House wife. I  spent my childhood in Big Joint family . I play regularly Tennis.  My father was a school teacher and I have four brothers and three sisters. I am simple living person . I maintain relations with my friends and relations. I am an extrovert.
Advice to professionals
Oil and gas is very important Industry. One has to get trained while working and cant afford to make mistakes. Safety is very important and this always should be  in mind. learn from Seniors and colleagues.Team work is important.
Advice to students
I really would love to do that as when I passed out I missed this. There is generally big gap between education and work. I request them to bridge this gap.I will advice them to be more confident and synchronize  their subject with industry learning.
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