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Pranav Deolekar
Pranav Deolekar

Pranav Deolekar

Project Manager

Management Consultant


Pranav Deolekar is a member of:

Managing personal and professional life
I always believe in becoming a true leader rather Manager. The major difference here is to get the work done taking team along with you rather assign work to team.

During any project of life; professional or personal, mistakes are bound to happen and its part of life; how I try and make difference here is by;

1. Proactive Approach
2. Good Teamwork
3. Creating Trust between team member and Client
4. Transparency between all stack holders
Tech Management matters more on
I feel Managerial role is most critical in any organisation/domain; especially in dynamic sector like Software/IT.

The most critical factor for Tech Manager is;

1. Team Assigned to the Project and Motivating them
2. Time Management
3. Keep updating in the dynamically changing technical world
4. Reduce Attrition by becoming good Leader rather a good Manager
5. Account Management and Keeping Balance between Client expectations and Capability of the Delivery of the application
Excellence in Management
As a Manager I have made following contribution to my organisation;

1. Started Microsoft SharePoint Practice; adding a feather to the companies existing Microsoft Practice (Custom .NET, MS CRM and NAV Practice)

2. Reduced the attrition rate by creating a good work environment by about 10% specific to the Microsoft Solution Team (Based on the data received from HR Team Official records)

3. On time Project Delivery on almost 95% projects (Except few which delayed by few days then committed)
Leadership qualities
Leader is one who gives vision to the team and organization rather just managing the resources. I feel as a leader one should have following qualities;

2.Ability to Delegate
3.Communication Skill
4.Sense of Humor
6.Confidence and Commitment
And last but not least Ability to Inspire
Influenced by
As with most of us; My Parents. They are my mentor and influencer in life and I strongly believe; whatever little I could achieve today in life is only and only because of them.

They taught me about life;
• Making decisions and stand by them
• Firmly stand by your principles
• Being emotionally strong
• Staying contented with what you have
• Keeping relationships and simply being happy
Handling Grievances
As a Leader one has to deal with team/employees day in day out. Managing them and client is the prime responsibility of any leader. Grievance handling is also part of it. While Handling employee grievance I feel following should be considered;

1.Empathy with employee
2.Don’t jump on conclusion. Analyze situation/matter in detail before making a decision.
3.Never be judgmental about a person
4.Client is may not be right Always.
5.Asking employees to leave is not the only solution; think other ways to handle situation
6.Try and arrive at a Win-Win situation for both organization and employee
Family background
Father - Engineer - Worked with Cummins India for about 28 years. At the moment Retired

Mother - Home maker

Wife : GIS Analyst was working with one of the TOP companies at Pune. At the moment Self employed

Sister : BE (IT) working with Cybage Software as a Sr. Software Engineer

Brother In Law : MTech (Software) working with Cybage Software as Sr. Software Engineer
Team Management
I strongly promote open door policy in my team. As a Project Manager I always sit and run around my team; just to make sure I am there with them when they need me.

Official Email is in trend now a days. Everyone just shoot a mail to other stating; “Please do the needful”. I strongly believe this is not the only way to handle communication. Having trust on each team member and lift them up in hard time is need of an hour. I always promote a culture where before putting a mail or escalating the matter to me or any other management team member; they should talk to each other and resolve the issue if any. Be clear and transparent in approach and if one don’t know about something confess it. Everyone may not know everything; but accepting it is most important; so that it can be resolved quickly.
Ensuring Growth
Try and Learn from Everyone I come across in a Day. Even a Fresher who just joined organization Today.
I believe one stops growing; the day they stop learning.
Current Job description
I am currently working as a Project Manager - Enterprise Solutions (MS CRM, SharePoint, SAP)
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