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Advice Request
Pradip Chakrabarty
Pradip Chakrabarty

Pradip Chakrabarty

Founder & CEO


Pradip Chakrabarty is a member of:

Job Profile:
Hi, I am Pradip Chakrabarty, I am the founder & CEO of India's first online directory for financial advisors - I am a first generation entrepreneur and this is my second entrepreneurial venture. In the first venture I built a very successful business for distribution of financial products and services over last 17 years. The company, that I founded in Patna (Bihar) is now headquartered in kolkata and has a strong retail brand presence across eastern region.

I am well connected and respected in the Financial Services industry and bring deep domain knowledge and leadership skills and considered one of the top 100 Investment Advisors in the country. Prior to starting my entrepreneurial journey I worked with a MNC.

I am passionate about taking financial advice to the masses through an army of credible and competent financial Advisors.

My role here is to build a great product for financial advisory services search. I am a member o
Growth Strategy:
Learning continuously. Keeping myself updated with new technology, networking and always thinking what next can be done? how better it can be done? Participating in work and fun with all my colleagues and allowing them to differ with me on anything they wish to is something which has made me a leader.
Contribution to the field
1. I was the top performer through out my career in the MNC that I worked for.

2. When I became entrepreneur for the first time, I was the pioneer in starting financial advisory business in Bihar.

3. In my latest avatar, again I am the pioneer in creating a search engine for financial advisors in India.

So, from working in a company, to becoming an entrepreneur in a state and then making it to the eastern region level and then starting all over again nationally as a prime mover are some of my top accomplishments.
Professional Strengths:
Knowing the financial advisory business like the back of hand and experience of over 20 years. And also loving and learning technology and my connection with the financial services industry are my strongest professional skills.
Changes In The Professional Environment:
When I started my career there was no computer and we were doing everything manually, even email was not there. information flow was very difficult and time consuming.

From there to here, it has completely evolved. Now, we are living in a digital world where everything is either online or on the internet or mobile. Things have become so simple. Information flow is just great.

Earlier, we used to address our seniors or bosses, Sir. Now, addressing everybody by first name has really taken the stress out of the system. Now, the work culture has become very participative thus opportunity for quick professional growth is immense.
Career Profile:
My responsibility is to think and build a search engine for financial advisors in India. We want to be the Google for financial advisors in india. My current role is very different from the earlier one! Earlier, I myself was a financial advisor, now I am helping all the Financial Advisors in India by bringing them onto one platform.

Creating a brand identity and making digital footprint of approx. 3 million Financial Advisors in this country is my mission now.
Required Reading:
It is a long list for books. Some coming to my mind now is -
Stay Hungry, stay foolish By Rashmi Bansal,
The intelligent Investor By Benjamin Graham,
Business Sutra By Devdutt Pattanaik,
Entrepedia by Nandini Vaidyanathan,
Blue Ocean strategy By W. Chan Kim,
HBR's 10 must read,
Who says elephant cant dance By Louis Gerstner,
Autobiography of Steve Jobs,
The Secret By Rhonda Byrne. The website and blogs I really admire are, digital inspiration,, and of course more and more of Google - again, this is a very short list!
Advice For New Professionals:
Be focused.
Do one thing right at a time. Remember as an entrepreneur your business model by default should be global.
Be ready, success will not come easily or early. Stay on course and ready to slog for 7 - 10 years before making it big. Always adviseable to have a good mentor and friends who will differ with you. Be on the learning curve always which comes free and most importantly keeps you ahead of others. Listen to the 'customer' as he is paying your salary bill.
Family Background
I am born in a typical middle class Bengali family. During the partition, my father migrated to India from Bangladesh and joined a Govt. Service in Bihar. I am living in Bangalore with my wife Papia and two daughters, Priyanka and Pratibha. Priyanka is pursuing triple major in English, Psychology and Sociology while Pratibha will write her final examinations for Standard XII-Commerce.
Prized Accomplishment(s):
Being the prime mover by creating the search engine for financial advisors for the first time in India.
The Decisions That Matter
I left a permanent job in a MNC to pursue entrepreneurship way back in 1994 when becoming entrepreneur was not fashionable. That too at a juncture, when my first daughter was born.

Other career decision was to migrate to a big city to build the business further.
Working Life Management:
Very easily. With complete family support balancing has become very easy for me. My family completely share my vision and we live by that vision together.
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