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Advice Request
Pallav Chatterjee
Pallav Chatterjee

Pallav Chatterjee


Fiat Group Automobiles India Pvt Ltd.


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Essential skills
In fact there are many, but the most important ones are namely, planning and organizing ability, problem solving, analytical thinking, networking abilities, negotiation skills, ability to strategize, communication skills, passion for travel and love for automobiles.
Essential qualification required
An Engineering degree is essential, business education is preferrable.
My family background
Both my parents were working, as my father was working with Indian Army and my mother was a teacher in government school. The background of the parents therefore, has helped me to develop independence since very early. I have a younger brother as well, who is into the field of research in Mathematics. I am married and have a beautiful 6 years old kid.
Developing a country
It requires a larger sense of responsibility. We are not only accountable to our own organization and employers but to society as well. One should volunteer in social causes, not throw litter on the streets and help in reducing pollution , drive responsibly, conserve energy, obey laws and pay taxes. If each one of us behave responsibly, the country as a whole becomes beautiful and developed.
Current Job description
I am working in the Network Development & Sales function in my current organization and I am responsible for planning and executing the dealer network expansion strategy for the company in the Eastern and Western zones (North Eastern states, Bengal, Orissa, Bihar, Jharkhand, Chattisgarh and Gujarat). The job involves lot of travel, in-depth understanding of the commercial aspects of the automobile business and meeting a lot of entrepreneurs ; it is a very exciting role particularly because it involves interacting with lot of new people, meeting new entrepreneurs and travelling across to a wide range of places.
Importance of brand image
Brand, I think is made by people of the organization. If there is result oriented and accountable team in any organization and if its members are committed to customers, a good brand image and success comes naturally to the organization.
Motivating team members
There is always a hope because for every problem there always is a solution. Solution is always around hidden there somewhere, just around some corner - for someone to unhide. It is always helpful to have a meeting with the full team, informally and encouraging every team member to contribute with their ideas and perspectives about the issues at hand and help the group unhide that solution which is hidden somewhere around the corner. Sometimes problems at hand are too important for one person to think, when there are multiple minds working on them the solution becomes visible quite easily and quite early.
Education system in India
Gap between "Knowing" and "Doing" is a measure to assess the quality of education system. Our system is unfortunately more focussed on "Knowing" rather than the "Doing" aspect. What could be the utility of education system to a person who has done masters in advance literature only to be an insurance agent or to an engineering graduate with masters degree in aerodynamics working for database management in a software firm? The education system in such cases imparts "knowledge" that can't be applied into the practice of "doing" - reflecting inefficiency and wasteage. What should be done is having more focus on vocational and skill based subjects from high school itself just after completion of basic studies, counselling students to choose the right profession suited to them; those having aptitude for photography need not study Economics in detail and those pursuing career in computers need not to acquire Masters in Botany. Imparting right skills is as important as imparting knowledge.
Becoming good marketing professionals
Yes, sales experience is essential for marketing. Sales connects a professional to the most important link of the business chain that is, the customer, and marketing is all about putting the customer at the centre of all its activities. Success of marketing is dependant on what customer eventually chooses to do. A good sales professional has the insights about the customer that helps him to make the right and accurate marketing decisions. Therefore I think experience in sales is essential for success in Marketing.
Upcoming Trends
There are more productivity tools available nowadays - mobile internet and computing, G.P.S, social media marketing etc. Technology is going to change the way sales is done in coming times. The day is not far when a sales consultant will carry a tablet computer offering customised solutions to customers right at the finger-tip. In such kind of technologically advanced world of sales, staying up-to-date with technology is important for success in sales & business development.
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